While I'll file my report on the "interesting" Republican Town Committee caucus at a later time, this latest example of stupidity from our lovely City Clerk Jean Natale had to be told.
After the caucus was over, seeing that I brought a remote lighting equipment which required a half an hour to cool down, a gleefully walked around the gallery area of the Palace Theater (to the discomfort of just about everyone in the place) when I noticed that the candidates were organizing for a group photograph. Since I was planning on doing a write-up on the event for the News-Times, I decided to get in position to take a photograph (for purposes of explaining where the unfortunate incident between yours truly and Jean Natale took place, using a photograph I shot at the Palace earlier this year, the area in red is where everything went down).
...that's when our City Clerk showed her true self.
Seeing that I no problem exposing Natale's outrageous incompetence with the public, you would think that since the worst City Clerk in the history of Danbury would stay far away from someone like me.
...but again, as you'll see, when talking about Jean Natale, where talking about an individual who's not playing with a full deck.
While standing on the floor in position for the photograph of the candidates (who were at the time standing on the stairs, with no one to the right of left of me, I was surprised as some moron stiff armed me from behind. As the person walked by to join the other candidates on the stairs, I noticed that the moron was no other than Jean Natale.
Gleeming with pleasure with stiff arming me, I couldn't help but shake my head while Natale made an ass out of herself as she made childish gestures for her friend's camera. Looking at Natale (and wondering if she started throwing back glasses her favorite wine early), I couldn't help but wonder this idiot would go out of her way to physically hit me knowing that I'll write the incident on this blog?
Then I realized, we're talking about someone who's (for a lack of using a better word) an idiot.
From showing her solidarity with the most hostile element of the anti-immigrant community, screaming at the mayor at the top of her voice, to verbally attacking members of the public, Natale's latest example of stupidity further highlights Natale's mental instability and professional incompetence.
This November, now more than ever, think before you vote.
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