What's this green thing? Asparagus, you say? Okay, I'll try it. It looks fun enough.
YUCK!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? That tastes horrible!!
What else you got? Something red? I like red! Okay, let's try the red pepper.
Man, THAT TASTES JUST AS BAD AS THE ASPARAGUS!!! I'm not even trying the yellow pepper!
More, more, more! I want to eat something else! Banana? Ooh, now that's fun to hold.
Okay, its not so bad. I can get some of it in my mouth. What are those asparagus and pepper thingys doing there? Didn't I tell you yesterday I'm not interested?!
Yay, more banana! Sometimes it tastes good.
Sometimes it tastes bad.
Maybe I'll just stick to eating my bowl.
To learn more about Baby Led Weaning, read the book by Gill Rapley and Tracy Murkett or visit these links.
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