From yesterday's Danbury Chamber of Commerce luncheon, here's the unedited video footage of the "45 dollar a plate" debate between Mark Boughton and Gary Goncalves.
If you want to download the video to you computer, you can do so by right clicking on the following link and saving the file to your computer (WARNING: The file size of the video is large so only attempt to download the file using a high-speed connection).
NOTE: I didn't have my normal tripod so there will be a couple of moments where the video will shake. I also forgot to adjust the shutter speed of my camera so the brightness of the video is a tad bit low. In the interest of time, I didn't adjust the brightness or edit the file during the production process.
BONUS: Here's the post-debate interviews myself and Ideas at Work and Beyond local access show host Marty Heiser conducted:
VIDEO: 2009 Board of Education forum.
Day 31: Funny how time changes a man
Day 27: FREE and OPEN debate excuses go from the ridiculous to the absurd
Day 25: fundraising for candidates are more important to Boughton than FREE and OPEN debates
Day 24 and no word from Boughton
Democratic Town Committee chairman weighs in on Boughton avoiding FREE and OPEN debates
News-Times to Boughton: Stop waffling on FREE and OPEN debates
Avoiding free and open debates is nothing new for Boughton
Goncalves blasts Boughton over not agreeing to open debates
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