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Saturday, May 15, 2010

COMING SOON: Urice speaks again, and HatCityBLOG will respond AGAIN

Seems like it's time to take the gloves off on the village idiot again.

Since being exposed as a xenophobic bigot, although he continues to spew his fringe right-winged crap on television, Joel Urice has, for the most part, received a free pass in the media.

...well, after his latest idiotic comment about yours truly, lets just say that Urice's free pass is about to end...in a VERY loud, prolonged, and public way.

As a primer for what's to come for Mayor Boughton's local access spokesperson, here's a flashback post I did back in 2007 regarding the Republican town committee's beloved bigot. For those new to the site, the below post is in regards to Urice's role in the racist email scandal that outraged residents back in late 2007.

Originally posted Oct 22 2007

It's almost been two weeks since Planning Commission member Joel Urice and Republican Majority Leader Pauline Basso were caught forwarding racist and inappropriate emails, which sparked outrage in Danbury and across the state.

The letters offended members of the African-American, Muslim and Latino communities and exposed the true nature of those such as Urice who hide their true intentions behind the cloak of "illegal immigration."

Of all those involved in this matter, Joel Urice is by far the most arrogant and shameless asshole of the bunch and this level of insanity was on full display during a local access show he co-hosts on Friday night.

In a rant that hopefully seal his and Pauline Basso's political fate, instead of showing any level of understanding regarding the insensitivity of his forwarded emails and the harm his expression has caused in the community, Urice spews a irrational and incredible tirade that centered on criticizing those who brought his bigotry to light.

For people who want an inside look into how xenophobic elected officials operate in Danbury, watch this clip.

Let's take a look at this bullshit step by step.

The first words uttered from Urice mouth tells the story:
URICE: We met with "those folks" on Wednesday so I don't want to stir the pot.

A great way to stir the pot is by calling those you consider your critics as THOSE FOLKS.

Let's continue...
URICE:I'm sure most of you individuals know here, Pauline Basso has been attacked, to me to a lesser extent, but mainly against Pauline, that she forward emails to friends and neighbors that were "hateful and racist according to the claims and the perpetuation in the News-Times.

The second thing that comes out of Urice's mouth is that HE and BASSO are bring attacked by everyone although it was HE (a former Common Council member) and the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY LEADER who forwarded these disgusting messages to other individuals, including Common Council member Mary Teicholtz..

In other words, Urice is playing the role of victim...and this is AFTER he met with Rev. Pitts the critics he so colorfully calls "those folks."

Are you following this man's logic...lets continue.

URICE: Racism is defined as the belief that race is a primary determining factor in human traits, characteristics and capabilities and inherently, one race is superior to another. That's what racism is.

There were absolutely NOTHING in any of these emails that fall within that definition.

Let's take a look at a small sample of Urice's messages and see if we explain to the moron why these images (which are more reflective of his views) are not only offensive, but downright bigoted and simple-minded.

Two emails forwarded from Urice to Basso had the following images:

Now, if this was the 1907 instead of 2007, the image might look something like this:

During the mid 20th century, the image might look something like this:

If this was the late 60s-mid 70s, the image looked like this:

or this:

Thankfully, that company got the message during the 80s and did the right thing...

I’m sure you get the picture BUT in Urice's twisted world, NONE OF THE EMAILS SENT WERE RACIST.

Lets take a look again at one of the emails Urice forwarded and the image it contained:

Lets look at similar stereotypical racist images against Mexicans:

"Stereotypical "happy" Mexican.

Stereotypical "fat" Mexican (Image entitled "Why are Mexican babies so fat?"

I’m sure you get the picture BUT in Urice's twisted world, NONE OF THE EMAILS SENT WERE RACIST.

Clearly, Urice needs help...unfortunately for him, his rant (and public embarrassment) gets even worse:
URICE: It's [racism] a term that's loosely thrown around now by many people anytime you want to say or do anything that's in opposition what a particular political agenda...like enforcing the laws of the United States.

Now, in attempt to give himself cover, Urice pulls out the illegal immigration card and shamelessly tries to accuse Rev. Pitts, and those who were outraged as people who are pro-illegal immigration.

Unfortunately for Urice, this is NOT the case and he and Waller (a person who was at City Hall during Rev. Pitts' press conference) should know better than to smear a minister.

From my video vault, here's Rev. Pitts answering a question from Emanuela Lima of The Tribuna Newspaper. Lima asked Rev. Pitts' about the images about immigrants and attempted to bait the reverend to comment on the NAACP's stance on illegal immigration. As Rev. Pitts and everyone who attended the presser that were quoted in the media repeatedly stated, this matter had nothing to do with illegal immigration and more to do with HUMAN DIGNITY.

As Rev. Pitts stated, this is not about politics or illegal immigration, it's about elected officials in public office spreading stereotypical racist emails that are hurtful and offensive. Those who attempt to paint this as a pro versus anti-immigration matter are attempting to cloud the entire matter because they have nothing else to stand on.

Based on the emails sent released by the NAACP, the emails were against AFRICAN-AMERICANS, MUSLIMS AS WELL AS LATINOS. The most offensive email was against Muslims and it's so troubling and offensive that I won't publish it on this site because I don't want to contribute to the god-awful way Muslims are portrayed in this city and country (sorry, find it elsewhere). I will say that it paints Muslins as extremists who are only interested in killing Americans and Jews.

Unlike the opinions of the Tribuna, a clear majority of Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, and a majority of people who called for Basso's resignation in the News-Times poll were deeply offended...but in Waller and Urice's world, it's an illegal immigration thing.

Following me here...okay lets continue:
URICE: Whether or not you think the emails were in poor taste...that's a personal opinion, each person has to decide, and Pauline has apologized for that.

Poor taste is an understatement and Pauline did not offer a PUBLIC APOLOGY to the PUBLIC. She offered a two-paragraph letter, which she had sent to New Hope Baptist Church.

URICE: Having this big press conference...without even giving her the courtesy of a phone call...to me that was just unconscionable, it was unconscionable.

Waller: Since it was accumulated over a series of months.

In other words, Joel's having a hissy fit because he's dirty laundry has been outed to the entire public and like clockwork, Waller agrees. They both say NOTHING about the fact that Basso didn't reach out to Pitts or the VARIOUS OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS WHO RECEIVED THE EMAILS AT THE SAME TIME. Basso didn't meet Rev. Pitts face to face opting instead to chicken out and send a letter that's half-hearted to say the least.

Furthermore, after all the media attention, editorials, and outrage from just about everyone regarding the way Basso, Urice, and Boughton handled the situation, neither Basso or Urice apologized to the public as of this date.

No letter to the editor.

No op/ed

No press release statement.

NO offer of apology from anyone involved in the matter or expression of regret from anyone in a leadership position in the Republican Party. All we have is a REAL quick quote from Mayor Boughton (after the networks packed up and left) and Joe Cavo (who not a complete idiot and sees the writing on the wall), which basically says nothing.

Now here's Urice tearing the scab off the wound:
URICE: I don't think they probably got the answer they wanted from me ...I don't think they'll ever get ever get that answer.


But for those that want to make somehow those things racist. There the same ones who cry out that you're a racist, you're bigoted, you're divisive anytime you want to say or do anything to enforce the immigration laws of this country...ah, no apology is required and none is forthcoming from me...I just have to retort, don't you understand about the word "illegal."


If there was anything divisive about the whole thing here, it was making private email public.

Unbelievable...simply un-f'n-believable.

This is by far the most disgusting rant I've ever heard in my life from a clearly disturbed individual who needs sensitivity help.

These are the viewpoints of people who are more upset that their true nature has finally been outed and their bones are out of the closet. Not only do Basso and Urice don't comprehend the severity of their actions, Urice does the unforgivable and attack those who dare criticized him.

The question you have to ask yourself is do you want people with the mindset of Urice and Basso representing you at YOUR City Hall?

The answer is simple and has never been clearer...if you live in Danbury, Joel Urice (who's running for Zoning) Pauline Basso (the majority leader who also forwarded emails) and Mayor Boughton (who once again failed to show true leadership when it really counted) DO NOT DESERVE YOUR VOTE.

NOTE: To this date, neither Urice or Basso have apologized to the public about their offensive emails.

...to be continued.


News-Times Editorial (10.13.07): [Urice and Basso's] offensive E-emails.

News-Times (10.09.07): NAACP: "We are outraged!"

WTNH / WVIT VIDEO (10.09.07): State media coverage on email scandal.

FLASHBACK VIDEO (2007): NAACP express outrage over Joel Urice/Pauline Basso racist emails (press conference)

FLASHBACK (2007): Mayor Boughton hides from state media during racist email scandal

FLASHBACK (2007): News-Times rips Urice apart over his role in email scandal

FLASHBACK VIDEO (2007): Keynote NAACP speaker criticizes Joel Urice and those involved in email scandal, calls on apology.

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