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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to doggedly refuse to understand COIN

This over the top ad hominem piece from the H.R Puffinstuff comPost is so laughably bad that it probably should not warrant any sort of reply. It personifies every single hippy dippy anti-military, knee-jerk pacifist stereotype you can think of (Godwin's law violations even), peddles every single 'kree-ga-kill', warmonger stereotype you can think of, and in the real kicker of it all, projects these stereotypes upon COINdinistas, the most squishy military types yet, what with their concern for hearts and minds, cautious ROE, avoiding civilian casualties at almost all costs, namby pamby nation building, championing women's rights, providing fresh water, and generally being Barney the Dinosaur in cammies. Man! What do you have to do to get respect at the H.R.P.Cp? I guess, the only way is to be a full blown and absolutist pacifist while throwing pies tomatoes and other veggies at anyone in uniform?

I thought the Code Pinko "BetrayUs" ad was over the top, but this guy take the cake. It is truly a rant for the ages, and a very massive exercise in willfully ignoring the actual content of the discussions he excerpts. I would like to give it a line by line Fisking, that would be easy enough, but don't think it's really worth the bother. To coin a phrase, the "argument" if you can dignify it with that moniker, is "exquisitely bad" It really is just that gawdawful.

See for yourself.

After you've read it, please read some responses from blogospheric targets of the wrathful rabbit HERE HERE. It is a bit of a wonder that this post has garnered so many replies from those it targets and misrepresents. Really. Why bother? But then again, I've taken the bait as well, probably out of stunned disbelief at the sophomoric 'analysis' there tendered (sorry, I insult sophomores)..freshman...er...kindergarteners...oh, I give. I don't want to saddle any school aged kids with that association. Never mind. Just never mind...

Oh, and Josh, you and perhaps your buddies at the "Brave New Foundation/The Seminal, Citizen Journalist" or whatever it is..might want to mull cutting that hair, and tone down the the mutton chops. Jeez. Oh..man..did I just go ad hominem? Should have never started writing this post. Never mind. Just never mind...

Semper Fi Hippy Dude. Semper Fi:

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