Understand, if you take nothing else away from this article, know that when a translator or other "collaborator" was caught, they were most often tortured extensively. Far more often than many of certain political stripe are willing to admit, their spouse or family joined them, and while regular rape was a part of it because of what it means in that culture, other objects (see above) were reportedly used as well. Drills and vehicle batteries, along with hands and feet and other things, made those hours into an eternity that does need to be dwelled on in this instance. A coup de grace in the form of a shot to the head was truly a mercy at the end. It was and is the lucky ones that are killed immediately.
While in Iraq in 2007, I learned of a new twist on this. Instead of mercy, the death blow was changed by some to a last use of the drill, reportedly slowly, on the head. For videos, the slow-saw beheading is the choice.
J had been kidnapped at one point. Thankfully, they didn't realize who he was. They had some idea that his clan and/or family would pay for his return, but they didn't have his real name or realize that he was an interpreter. He got out of it, quickly, and was glad to get out as lightly as he had. If his real name or what he was doing had become known, well, see above.
Since that time, he had taken a number of precautions. He was careful in what he said, to whom, and in how he moved around. The level of precautions was staggering in some respects, but nothing compared to the possible consequences. To this day, I will not say more about him.
Today, the news came that among the documents released by anti-war activist Assange is a list of those working for or with the Allies in Afghanistan. Reports are already stating that the Taliban and other groups are using these lists for targeting.
I doubt that someone like Assange, who is secure in his self-righteous dudgeon, cares. After all, they are just barbarian "wogs" aren't they? Peasants, beneath notice. Besides, to make his anti-war/pro-peace better world omelette, one has to break a few eggs, right? Such unwashed, unlettered peons are hardly worth his attention or care, being no better than the thuggish myrmidons that are the soldiers whom they help. Anyone on our side who has also rushed to assure that no one/real people have been endangered is also guilty of this same unthinking bigotry.
If there were true justice in the world, Assange would have to watch everything that happens to each and every person on that list who is caught by the enemy. In this world, I will settle for doing everything I can to see him charged with the murder of each person so caught. U.S. law, international law, the law of Allies, I don't care. With luck, it would be good to see him indited in as many jurisdictions as possible for each murder. For he is as guilty of each murder as if he had done the torture and killing himself. Period. So is whoever leaked the information to him. Period. I want them found, and tried at the highest level and highest possible penalty. Period.
Hear Hear!
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