The PDF is here
Sanka freeze-dried version collapsing some of the 24 points, in no particular order:
1. We must create a real sense of stable long-term security within the Afghan populace. (Message to U.S. pols as much as to ISAF)
2. Corruption will not be tolerated (Message to Karzai as much as to ISAF)
3. I really mean (2), so don't compromise that directive in order to carry out short-term goals, because you think you have no other choice. I mean it.
4. Dole out money carefully. See (2) and (3).
5. Reintegrate reconcilables, hunt and kill irreconcilables.
6. Get out amongst the people, patrol, talk, listen. Don't be passive about this. Seek out contact. Make it regular.
7. Train up the ANSF forces. ( also see (2) and (3))
8. Don't spin the truth. Deal with it openly.
9. Become a tea addict.
10. Trust subordinates to find ways to implement the strategy in day-to-day operations.
11. Don't freeze if your situation isn't covered by an order. Figure out what the order would have been, and follow that order. You will not be hung out to dry.
12. Take every opportunity to make clear to the Afghans that the Taliban crime family is the scum of the Earth, and doesn't give one whit about their well-being.
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