Day 2 - fever
Day 3 - laryngitis
Day 3.5 - eye infection right eye
Day 4 - eye infection left eye
Day 5 - freakout
You'd think I was talking about Chloe but no, that list of ailments belongs to HandyMan. He had a rough go of it during our mini vacation. Add to it the fact that Chloe decided to barely eat a thing the whole trip, throw tantrums whenever we stepped foot inside a restaurant, and scream and cry the last 1.5 hour drive home (causing herself to vomit and thereby leading to HandyMan's freakout of day 5) and you'll understand why we need a vacation from our vacation. I'm sure you parents can commiserate.
It wasn't that bad though. We had a great day at the beach, visited some lovely antiques shops, and got some work done around the house before and after our mini jaunt. The break from the routine was welcome too. Don't you just love waking up with a clean slate ahead of you? We had impromptu picnics in the park and explored down dusty country roads, just because we could.
In case you're ever up for a road trip in South Eastern Ontario, here's a few places you might want to stop into:
MacCool's Re-use (Picton): a big old barn filled with antiques and retro pieces. There were some old worn farmhouse tables and cool vintage lighting that would be perfect for our craft area. They deliver to Toronto too.
Funk and Gruven (Belleville): We weren't planning to stop in Belleville but this shop caught my eye as we drove by. Such a great mix of pieces. I fell in love with a vintage stenographer's table that had a real industrial chic vibe but its moving parts would be too tempting for Chloe's little fingers. The owner Mike was really friendly and knowledgeable. We'll definitely be making a trip back there soon!
County Traders (Bloomfield): A good stop if you're looking for tables, hutches, dressers or other case goods.
Barriefield Antiques (Kingston): Another shop filled to the rafters with treasures. They have a bit of everything - dishware, toys, case goods, clothing, pottery. You'll have fun digging around.
Alleycat Antiques (Kingston): Mike at Funk and Gruven recommended this store to us and he was right! Literally in an alley way, its 4000 sq ft of antique treasures. All the prices were negotiable and I picked some great things there. They had a really good collection of old photos, original art and prints. Go early because they close shop at 4pm!
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