Case in point, read this tidbit regarding Boughton's appearance at the Connecticut Union of College Republicans event at UConn Sunday.
On Sunday, I attended a meeting of the Connecticut Union of College Republicans (CUCR). Several state and federal candidates spoke about their election goals. and noted the importance of staying informed and being involved in CUCR and the political process in general.
The problem was that these candidates were speaking to an almost empty room.
Out of those 41, I recognized at least five who were workers on one of the candidate's campaigns or were candidates themselves. At the actual event, there were barely 20 people in attendance to listen to the guest speakers, not including the candidates.
Each of the candidates at the CUCR meeting, from Mark Boughton to Catherine Marx, remarked how wonderful it was to see so many young people at the meeting. I hope that was just a standard part of their speeches; in my experience with the CUCR, we get more people at meetings near finals time than we had at Sunday's session.
Now take that into consideration when you watch Mark plays it up for the camera at the event (i.e., "is anyone here from Western")...
Give this man deserves a Golden Raspberry Award for best acting by a politician.
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