Sam Pine, 8-year-old truant newsboy, who lives at 717 W. California St. Said: "I was late getting up and don't want to get the rubber tube fo[r] being tardy so I staid away to-day." Photographed during school hours. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 14 March 1917
Ernest Chester, 5 years old lives at 624 S. Robinson St. Sells with his older brother Emmet, who is 9 years old. They are up very early. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 4 March 1917
Passing away the time on the corner. 2 are 9 years old and started out at 5 a.m., 1 is 10 years old and started out later. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 4 March 1917
Leroy Raley, 215 Noble St., a 10-year-old truant newsboy, who was photographed during school hours. Said: "Someone stole my clothes so I couldn't go to school." Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
Jack and Jesse Ryan, truant newsies who were photographed during school hours. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
Charlie Scott, who lives at 19 Third St. is 9 years old and a truant newsboy. Said: "I dunno where the school is." Has been in the city 2 months. Photographed during school hours. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
10-year-old truant newsie, selling during school hours Said: "I been sich [i.e., sick] with pneumonia". Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
8-year-old truant newsboy, who didn't know his name nor where he lived. Said he had just had the measles. Photographed during school hours. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
John Baker, 608 E. 4 St. 6-year-old newsie. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
Jack Ryan, 6-year-old newsie, who lives at 126 1/2 W. Reno Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
Alfred Brook, 200 W. Pottawotamie St. 8-year-old newsie. Everett Glin on the left. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: photo by Lewis W. Hine, 15 March 1917
Photos from National Child Labor Committee Collection, Library of Congress
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