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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Setting the record straight

Lets get some things straight:

1. Regardless of the crap that flowing out of Mark Boughton's mouth in regarding to funding education, the mayor DECREASED FUNDING to schools from 1.79 percent last year, to an embarrassing .7 percent.

Also, in attempting to defend his screw-job to the children of Danbury, during his presentation, Boughton rifled off several improvements being made to schools such as the replacement of boilers and windows...these items have NOTHING TO DO with the operating expenses of the school system or the city's budget. Rather, the upgrading of the schools fall under the category of Capital Improvements and is paid for by bonding.

Using Boughton's dishonest playbook, he wants to public to think that he's proposal to the school system is an increase in funding when in fact it's a MASSIVE decrease that will negatively impact the quality of education in the city.

2. I spoke to a number of teachers, school officials and residents who followed my coverage of the education budget process last year, to get their take on the low attendance at last night's public hearing. Overall, EVERY SINGLE person connected with the school system feel that speaking against the mayor's proposal is a waste of time. Many people are still very upset at the mayor and council over the cuts to education last year and note that while hundreds of people spoke out against the mayor's proposal last year, the council ignored there concerns and approved the funding decrease.

"Politicians who are harming my child's education need to be thrown out of office" said one parent who wanted to remain anonymous. "What happened last year there when we filled city hall and pleaded with the council not to decrease the funding to the schools? Nothing! I'm not wasting my time again this year, instead I'll let my vote do the talking for me!"

What the mayor and city council are doing to the school system is a disgrace. I don't know what's worse, the fact that the mayor is getting away with this shit, or the fact that the members of the Board of Education aren't voicing the displeasure with the mayor's proposal with the passion you would expect from people who are responsible for running the school system.

More later...

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