Sometimes, I can't wait for it to be all over. But most times, I relish the hard work, the long road ahead, the sweaty effort and aching muscles, the doubts, the (small) arguments, the trial, and the error... all just stepping stones to getting it just right. We still have years to go before we finish all of the rooms - but finish is the wrong word - for a house is never ever really done, is it? There will always be little decor changes to make and new furniture to incorporate. A constant changing of your small piece of the world to reflect who you are at that moment. I'm happy with what HandyMan and I have managed to accomplish thus far. Some of our progress in the rooms is small, with barely an item checked off the To Do list. But we'll get there. There's no rush. This is our perfect-for-now-house. In the meantime, here's a peek at where we've come from... and who we are, at this moment.
Before and Afters...
...the entry

...the kitchen

...the living room

...the dining room

...the office

...and the house

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