Thursday, April 30, 2009
Paint Me Pretty
Everyone loves a good Before & After, right? Well, Benjamin Moore is giving you the opportunity to show off your best B&A in their Share Your Style contest and win $10,000 in prizes. (Sorry - the contest is open only to Canadian Residents). Don't have a room to show off? You can still register and vote for your favourites and automatically get entered in their draw for a $2,500 Benjamin Moore gift certificate!
I've entered Chloe's nursery in the contest and if you feel like voting for me, click here. We used Benjamin Moore Aura paint on the ceiling (Summer Shower) and walls (Cream Silk). I've never used their paint before but was really impressed by the result; the paint was easy to apply and the colour came out nice and rich. Aura is a low VOC paint too which is must have, especially in a nursery where newborn noses are sniffing about :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Keeping you informed
A reader emailed me and asked if I heard about a meeting the mayor was having with members of his community on Monday night (4/27) and I told that I didn't hear anything about it NOR did I see anything about it on the city's website.
Here's a snapshot of the city's meeting and community calendar for this month.

Sensing that there was a problem, I obtained a copy of the weekly meeting email our lovely city clerk distributes to all the members of the Common Council. Take a look...
Notice something how a majority of the meetings Jean Natale notified members of the Common Council about ARE NOT LISTED ON THE CITY'S CALENDAR for the public!
Now, it's not like the City Clerk is responsible for posting on the city's website that have nothing to do with the Common Council but people at City Hall should make sure that they're keeping the people informed about what's happening at City Hall.
Just sayin'...
Here's a snapshot of the city's meeting and community calendar for this month.
Sensing that there was a problem, I obtained a copy of the weekly meeting email our lovely city clerk distributes to all the members of the Common Council. Take a look...
Week of April 27, 2009 Meetings
MONDAY, April 27th
7:00 PM - Neighborhood Assist. meeting w/ Mayor
Council Chambers – 3rd Floor
TUESDAY, April 28th
5:00 PM - DMEA
Council Chambers 3rd Floor
7:30 PM - Zoning Commission
Council Chambers – 3rd Floor
Thursday , April 30th
5:30 PM - Parking Tickets- 3-C 3rd Floor
7:00 PM - Comm. On Enhancing Agency Outcomes ( Hearing)
Council Chambers – 3rd Floor
Notice something how a majority of the meetings Jean Natale notified members of the Common Council about ARE NOT LISTED ON THE CITY'S CALENDAR for the public!
Now, it's not like the City Clerk is responsible for posting on the city's website that have nothing to do with the Common Council but people at City Hall should make sure that they're keeping the people informed about what's happening at City Hall.
Just sayin'...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Well, I guess now I'm inspirational.
Remember when Mayor Boughton jumped into the ring as a special referee and basically got his clock cleaned? Well, inspired by the my photograph of Mayor Boughton getting bitch-slapped by a shady manager, a local band put together the following flyer...and I think it's safe to say that some people in Danbury think the name of this band and the photo are a perfect match. know, I can't make this stuff up folks.
Want to see these guys in action, then come on down to Cousin Larry's SUBROSA party tonight!
Soft Spot
I've been spending a lot of time lately in Chloe's room. It really is the nicest room in the house...dreamy yellow walls, plush carpet underfoot, and now - soft, soothing spaces to lounge on.

Gail the seamstress did a fab job on the bench cushion, curtains and accent pillows. The cushion is covered in a subtle diamond and gingham print. It coordinates nicely with the swirly pattern of the curtain in shades of taupe, cream, and yellow. I figured that the bench cushion and curtains would be long-lasting (while some of the accent fabrics could change over time), so kept them fairly neutral. The slight sheen of the curtain adds a touch of luxury to the space - and the dim-out lining makes the curtain highly functional for a baby's room. We haven't installed the shelf above the window nor the curtain rod so for now, we just 'mocked up' the curtains and have the curtain hooks resting on the top of the window casing. Getting this room completely finished is a bit slow going these days ;)

My favourite fabric though is the pattern on the glider. Its bold, fun, and graphic. The pattern will help hide and stains or spills that are bound to appear when there's a baby around :) And boy, is it comfy! Chloe seems to like it too and falls quickly asleep as we rock away.

We had some bolster cushions and an accent pillow made with the leftover fabrics. Repeating fabrics and using them in various areas in a room really helps to create a cohesive, finished look. I think rooms feel best, feel more complete, when there are fabrics used. I'm surprised too at how many different fabrics and patterns you can use in a room. I worried that with all the polka dots, stripes, swirls, and other graphics Chloe's room would look a bit of a jumbled mess. But luckily it doesn't. It looks and feels just right :)

Gotta run now... there's a little girl who's asking to be rocked to sleep.
Gail the seamstress did a fab job on the bench cushion, curtains and accent pillows. The cushion is covered in a subtle diamond and gingham print. It coordinates nicely with the swirly pattern of the curtain in shades of taupe, cream, and yellow. I figured that the bench cushion and curtains would be long-lasting (while some of the accent fabrics could change over time), so kept them fairly neutral. The slight sheen of the curtain adds a touch of luxury to the space - and the dim-out lining makes the curtain highly functional for a baby's room. We haven't installed the shelf above the window nor the curtain rod so for now, we just 'mocked up' the curtains and have the curtain hooks resting on the top of the window casing. Getting this room completely finished is a bit slow going these days ;)

My favourite fabric though is the pattern on the glider. Its bold, fun, and graphic. The pattern will help hide and stains or spills that are bound to appear when there's a baby around :) And boy, is it comfy! Chloe seems to like it too and falls quickly asleep as we rock away.
We had some bolster cushions and an accent pillow made with the leftover fabrics. Repeating fabrics and using them in various areas in a room really helps to create a cohesive, finished look. I think rooms feel best, feel more complete, when there are fabrics used. I'm surprised too at how many different fabrics and patterns you can use in a room. I worried that with all the polka dots, stripes, swirls, and other graphics Chloe's room would look a bit of a jumbled mess. But luckily it doesn't. It looks and feels just right :)

Gotta run now... there's a little girl who's asking to be rocked to sleep.
before and after,
guest bedroom,
The numbers tell a different story
Last week, while covering the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new multi-multi-multi-million police station, the mayor made the following comment which made me to a double take...
BOUGHTON: ...of course, as mention my the chief, I want to thank the voters of the citizens of Danbury, who OVERWHELMINGLY supported the acquisition of this property, who understood and got the vision of what we were trying to plant here, the seed of not just a police department, but of re-development on Main Street.
This building will serve as an anchor for future re-development efforts and our voters understood that and voted twice overwhelmingly to support the construction of this facility.
...once again, the mayor is misleading the public as when it comes to the public "overwhelmingly to support the construction of this facility" based on their voting for the project, a quick look at THE ACTUAL NUMBERS tell a different story.
Lets go back in time and take a look at the HatCity BLOG archives and take a look at May 8th 2006:
Today in Danbury, voters will decide if the city will get a new police station, a parking garage and an updated sewer plant. If anyone has driven past the police station on Main Street, it's obvious that the station is too small to meet the needs of the city (the police cars parked on the lawn tells the story).At the end of my post, I wrote the following..."Danbury's (police) headquarters is old, out-dated and worn out," said Chief Alan Baker. "It was built in 1971 for 75 officers and right now our strength is 152."
There is very little parking space, so the lawns at the department double as parking lots.
Baker said the old department was built before each desk had a computer. It was built before much of the modern forensic equipment was created, and its heating, ventilation and air condition equipment is faulty.
"We have six holding cells, and we'll frequently have 11 or 12 people in lock-up after the weekend," Baker said.
The city's police officers have been giving public tours of their building during the last month to show people their working conditions.
The police portion of the bond is $33.8 million. The city's voters have already committed $2.7 million to this project, and the city is in the process of buying the land needed for a new headquarters on Main Street near East Franklin Street.'s up to you to do your duty as citizens of Danbury and vote.
Now, lets take a look at the vote count for the 48 MILLION DOLLAR BOND PACKAGE*.
From May 9th 2006:
Voters voted in favor of the bond package yesterday. Here are the results.
New police headquarters 1,263 to 335.
New parking garage 1,065 to 500.
Upgrades to sewer plant 1,235 to 322.
Now, lets do the math...
1263 (in favor) + 335 (against) = 1598 total residents voting
I would HARDLY call a turnout of 1598 residents in a city where the population is over 70,000 OVERWHELMING SUPPORT for the police station. In fact, I would call it a disgrace that 1598 people are allowed to make a 48 million dollar decision which will effect the entire population for years to come.
Now, I can hear the last honest man in Danbury now saying that the embarrassingly low turnout was due to the vote not taking place during a municipal, state, or federal election. Well, lets just kill that excuse real quick by looking back at another vote that happened in 2006, received MUCH LESS PUBLICITY, and only involved one political party.
From March 10th 2006, I give you totals of the second ward Democratic town committee feud:
Here's the final count (in decending order):
Michael Seri 189 Leadership 2006
Eileen Coladarci 187 United Danbury Democrats
Eugene McNamara 186 United Danbury Democrats
Helena Abrantes 180 United Danbury Democrats
Bernard Gallo 176 United Danbury Democrats
Chris Cerda 158 Leadship 2006
Paul McAllister 158 Leadership 2006
Susan Ward 142 Leadership 2006
When you add up THOSE numbers, the total number of people who voted in the SECOND WARD comes to 1376...202 votes less than the CITYWIDE vote on the police station that took place a few months later!
Now don't get me wrong, as I stated back in '06, I think the building of the police station was long overdue as I actively supported the project on this site. What I have a SERIOUS problem with is when a mayor misleads the public with statements that sound good but are not entirely accurate...and when the media just goes along for the ride without holding Boughton accountable for his words.
Monday, April 27, 2009
More trouble at the News-Times?
Only in Bridgeport has the latest on the financial troubles at Hearst papers...and it's not good news for the News-Times.
With the state of the economy being the way it is, and the rapid decline in print media readership, expect more layoffs on the horizon.
Lots of trepidation in the Connecticut Post newsroom. On Friday the paper cut loose Business Editor Pam Dawkins, reporter Aaron Leo and tech editor Todd Hollis among 44 layoffs impacting Hearst-owned papers in Bridgeport, Greenwich, Stamford and Danbury.
Greenwich, Stamford and Danbury pubs took the biggest hit in the latest round of layoffs. The larger issue in the Bridgeport newsroom is what will come down the road as a Hearst letter to employees announced another round of 80 layoffs on the horizon. It sucks to report and write with the layoff guillotine poised. Hearst owns a juicy triangle of papers in the wealthiest county in the country with a bottom line to prioritize in a languishing print media industry.
With the state of the economy being the way it is, and the rapid decline in print media readership, expect more layoffs on the horizon.
Hearts plans to eliminate another 80 positions within the next three months.
Follow the money trail: The Boughton files 2001-2009
"We get thousands of checks from thousands of people and we just wouldn't have any way of knowing something like that is happening."Mayor Boughton's response to his acceptance of James Galante alleged bundled campaign contributions
It's a new campaign season, and that means one thing...more campaign finance reports to analyze.
Download the files and let me know if you see anything that raises your eyebrow. Here's some highlights we found in the past.
• As the Fairfield County noted, in 2007, we found some rather interesting donations from April 2003 that appears to mirror Galante's bundled donations that were given to the mayor's PAC in October 2003.
• Democratic town committee members who donated to Boughton's campaign,
• An family-owned immigrant newspaper that has donated (along with immediate family members) over 600 dollars in in-kind advertising contributions in late 2005 (NOTE: although the in-kind advertising contribution was received on 10.10.05, Boughton's campaign did not disclose the contribution until after the election against then Democratic mayoral candidate Dean Esposito on 01.10.06). The same business donated over 1,400 to Boughton during the 2007 campaign cycle (including 1,100 after the ICE ACCESS program was introduced in during the October Common Council meeting),
• Massive contributions from developers (including the infamous Dan Bertram of BRT) and finally
• Contribution from the main players who contributed to the worst episode in the history of Danbury: The James Dyer scandal of the 1980s.
Let's work together to expose the ugly truth...get to WORK!
LATEST REPORT: Mayor Mark 2009 April 10 filing:(pdf format)
Date filed: 04.10.00, Period Covered: 01.11.09-04.10.09
Boughton's PACs (pdf format)
People over Politics PAC
YEAR 2002
YEAR 2003
YEAR 2004
YEAR 2005
2005aMayor Mark's 21 Century PAC
YEAR 2006
2006a (07.10.06)
2006b (10.10.06)
2006c (11.02.06)
YEAR 2007
2007a (01.12.07)
2007b (04.10.07)
2007c (07.10.07)
2007d (10.10.07)Boughton SEEC Form 20 Campaign Finance Statements (pdf format)
YEAR 2001
Statement: Termination Report
Date filed: 06.28.01, Period Covered: 04.23.01-06.28.01)
Statement: 2nd Thurs July 2001
Date filed: 07.12.01, Period Covered: 06.28.01-07.12.01)
Statement: 2nd Thurs Oct 2001
Date filed: 10.11.01, Period Covered: 07.13.01-10.04.01)
Statement: 7 days proceeding 2001 election
Date filed: 10.29.01, Period Covered: 10.05.01-10.23.01)
Statement: Within 45 days following election
Date filed: 12.21.01, Period Covered: 10.24.01-12.14.01)
YEAR 2002
Statement: 90 day report (Election 11.06.01)
Date filed: 02.04.02, Period Covered: 12.15.01-02.04.02)
Statement:Termination Report (2001 campaign)
Date filed: 05.07.02, Period Covered: 02.05.02-05.07.02
YEAR 2003
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month April 20th
Date filed: 04.10.03, Period Covered: 01.02.03-04.03.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th
Date filed: 07.07.03, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th (Amendment #1 to 07.07.03 report)
Date filed: 07.09.03, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th (Amendment #2 to 07.07.03 report)
Date filed: 08.17.05, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Date filed: 10.07.03, Period Covered: 07.01.03-09.30.03 (aprox.)
Statement: 7 days proceeding Election: Nov 4, 2003
Date filed: 10.28.03, Period Covered: 10.01.03-10.21.03 (aprox.)
YEAR 2004
Statement: Termination Report (2003 Campaign)
Date filed: 02.09.04, Period Covered: 01.01.04-02.31.04
YEAR 2005
Statement: April 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 04.07.05, Period Covered: 01.01.05-03.31.05
Statement: July 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 07.07.05, Period Covered: 04.01.05-06.30.05
Statement: Oct 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 10.07.05, Period Covered: 07.01.05-09.30.05
Statement: Oct 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 10.07.05, Period Covered: 07.01.05-09.30.05
Statement: 7 day proceeding report
Date filed: 11.01.05, Period Covered: 10.01.05-10.26.05
YEAR 2006
Statement: Jan 10 2006 report
Date filed: 01.10.06, Period Covered: 10.27.05-12.31.05
Statement: Deficit report
Date filed: 08.07.06, Period Covered: 12.31.05-07.31.06
Statement: Termination report
Date filed: 12.07.06, Period Covered: 07.31.06-11.30.06
YEAR 2007
Statement: January 10 Filing
Date filed: 01.10.07, Period Covered: 11.27.06-12.31.06
Statement: April 10 Filing
Date filed: 04.10.07, Period Covered: 01.01.07-03.31.07
Statement: July 10 Filing
Date filed: 07.05.07, Period Covered: 04.01.07-06.30.07
Statement: October 10 Filing
Date filed: 10.10.07, Period Covered: 07.01.07-09.30.07
Statement: 7th day preceding election report
Date filed: 10.27.07, Period Covered: 10.01.07-10.23.07
YEAR 2008
Statement: January 10th 2008 Report
Date filed: 01.10.08, Period Covered: 10.24.07-12.31.07
Saturday, April 25, 2009
HatCityBLOG VIDEO: 2009 budget ad-hoc committees
It's budget time in Danbury.
For your viewing pleasure, here's video footage of the budget ad-hoc committee that happened this week.
Tomorrow, I'll update this post the high resolution videos as well as provide an option where you can download the files.
(NOTE: I will provide commentary on my concerns with the budget proposal at a later date)

Committee Members:
Gregg Seabury, Chair
Robert Arconti
Joe Cavo
Duane Perkins
Tom Saadi

Committee Members:
Mary Teicholz, Chair
Phil Curran
Shay Nagarsheth
Charles Trombetta
Warren Levy

Committee Members:
Colleen Stanley, Chair
Mike Calandrino
N. Jane Diggs
Robert Riley
Fred Visconti
Director of Finance
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education

Committee Members:
Charles Trombetta, Chair
Jack Knapp
Louise McMahon
John Esposito
Paul Rotello
For your viewing pleasure, here's video footage of the budget ad-hoc committee that happened this week.
Tomorrow, I'll update this post the high resolution videos as well as provide an option where you can download the files.
(NOTE: I will provide commentary on my concerns with the budget proposal at a later date)
Government I.
Committee Members:
Gregg Seabury, Chair
Robert Arconti
Joe Cavo
Duane Perkins
Tom Saadi
Government II.
Committee Members:
Mary Teicholz, Chair
Phil Curran
Shay Nagarsheth
Charles Trombetta
Warren Levy
Committee Members:
Colleen Stanley, Chair
Mike Calandrino
N. Jane Diggs
Robert Riley
Fred Visconti
Director of Finance
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education
Health, Housing, Public Safety & Social Services
Committee Members:
Charles Trombetta, Chair
Jack Knapp
Louise McMahon
John Esposito
Paul Rotello
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Open for business
Chief Al Baker offers his remarks regarding the opening of the new police station
Danbury Police Station ribbon cutting ceremony: 04.21.09
Danbury Police Station ribbon cutting ceremony: 04.21.09
On Tuesday afternoon, with hundreds of residents in attendance, the ribbon was cut on the new police station on Main Street.
While I'll get into the history of the new building (because Mayor Boughton laid out some inaccurate information during his speech), for now, here's video footage from Tuesday's event (NOTE: You can thank my daughter for the times in the video when the images shakes all over the place).
NOTE 2: If your having problems viewing the hi-resolution version of the video, when the video frame goes black, wait a few seconds and manually start the video by hitting the space bar on your keyboard. Hoping that my server fixes the problem soon.
Potty mouth
Maybe someone didn't like committee members asking questions about WHAT SHE DOES AT CITY HALL (which by the responses, doesn't amount to much).
Really Jean, screaming and cursing at the mayor like a drunken sailor is not nice...but LOUD foul mouth language coming from you is pretty much par for the course.
Next time, try to remember that the walls at City Hall are somewhat thin (especially the walls in YOUR office).
Remember people, this November, think before you vote.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Finding A Balance

I'm still trying to figure things out these days... figure out the feeding schedule, figuring out what her cries mean, figure out how to comfort her. And figure out what direction to take this blog. I don't want to turn this into "The Chloe Chronicles" and become one of those moms who does nothing but drone on and on about how special their little one is. This is a home blog after all and though I still get excited talking about wallpaper and fabric swatches and plans for renovating the deck - there's a little girl who has captured my attention and completely enthralled me. I hope to find the balance over the next little while and hope you'll stick around for the ride.

HatCityBLOG VIDEO: Public hearing
From Monday night, here's video footage of the public hearing on the budget.
NOTE: I'm holding off on commenting on the budget and remarks from the so-called "public" until later.
Public hearing

ITEM 1: Long Ridge Road Service Driveway debate
NOTE: I'm holding off on commenting on the budget and remarks from the so-called "public" until later.
Public hearing
ITEM 1: Long Ridge Road Service Driveway debate
Monday, April 20, 2009
Budget madness
The real meat and potatoes of the city's budget debate gets underway this week.
Tonight, there was a public meeting on the budget and I'll post my video footage tomorrow. I debated on whether or not I would comment on my concerns with the budget at the meeting but decided to make my case against portions of the mayor's proposal here online.
Here's the budget schedule for this week.
General Government II
5:45 PM, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Committee Members:
Mary Teicholz, Chair
Phil Curran
Shay Nagarsheth
Charles Trombetta
Warren Levy
Health, Housing, Public Safety & Social Services
7:30 PM, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Committee Members:
Charles Trombetta, Chair
Jack Knapp
Louise McMahon
John Esposito
Paul Rotello
5:30 PM, Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Committee Members:
Colleen Stanley, Chair
Mike Calandrino
N. Jane Diggs
Robert Riley
Fred Visconti
Director of Finance
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education
General Government I
6:45 PM, Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Committee Members:
Gregg Seabury, Chair
Robert Arconti
Joe Cavo
Duane Perkins
Tom Saadi
Tonight, there was a public meeting on the budget and I'll post my video footage tomorrow. I debated on whether or not I would comment on my concerns with the budget at the meeting but decided to make my case against portions of the mayor's proposal here online.
Here's the budget schedule for this week.
General Government II
5:45 PM, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Committee Members:
Mary Teicholz, Chair
Phil Curran
Shay Nagarsheth
Charles Trombetta
Warren Levy
Health, Housing, Public Safety & Social Services
7:30 PM, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Committee Members:
Charles Trombetta, Chair
Jack Knapp
Louise McMahon
John Esposito
Paul Rotello
5:30 PM, Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Committee Members:
Colleen Stanley, Chair
Mike Calandrino
N. Jane Diggs
Robert Riley
Fred Visconti
Director of Finance
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education
General Government I
6:45 PM, Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Committee Members:
Gregg Seabury, Chair
Robert Arconti
Joe Cavo
Duane Perkins
Tom Saadi
HatCityBLOG budget flashback: What's going on here?
In honor of tonight's public hearing on the city budghet, here's a look back at the budget from last and learn.
Let me make this simple. Something has been bugging the hell out of me since May's Common Council meeting and since the period between May and June is historically the time when Boughton and the Republican majority pulls off their political shenanigans, I thought it might be useful to bring this matter to everyone's attention.
Let me take this step by step:
1. Here's page 299-300 of the city's proposed 2008-09 budget that pertains to the Capital Budget, a.k.a, the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This is part of the budget where the FIVE 500,000 dollar bonds the mayor is adding to our tax burden without our approval comes into play. Note the section highlighted in red.

2. From yesterday's Common Council meeting, listen to Lynn Taborsak as she attempts to talk about the out-of-control bonding habits of this mayor.
Why wasn't Taborsak allowed to speak about an item that's on page 305 of the very budget that's being approved? She point had nothing to do with the bonds for the proposed CIP but on the item on page 305? For the record, here's page 305 of the budget Taborsak was referring it and weep.
Now, understand what the mayor said. Boughton stated that the portion of the bond Taborsak wanted to talk about was NOT ON THE AGENDA although she is reading right from the budget. Again, she didn't talk about the bonds for the proposed CIP but the out-of-control bonding habits of this mayor when it comes to items that shouldn't fall under the category of capitol improvements.

3. So to repeat, in the video, did you catch Boughton say that the portion of the budget Taborsak was referring to (a portion of items within the Capital Budget) wasn't coming up for a vote until JUNE.
Think I'm kidding...look, here's the budget that was approved last night.
Here the reference to the bonds in the section of the Capital Budget entitled "Capital Budget Financing (page 301)"

Here are the items (bonds) from the Capital Budget in question that were not on May's agenda with the rest of the budget.

Here's the wording of the five bonds that are in question. Note the words "Capitol Budget" in the wording...
NOTE: the Common Council held a PUBLIC MEETING on these very items back in April.
Now, go back to the top of this post and re-read the section in RED...notice the part that says May 15th.
Finally, take a look at section 7-4 of the city charter and take note of the section in BOLD.
A few questions:
1. If the mayor was certain that he could bring five 500,000 bond items to the council without it going to referendum, why wasn't this portion of the budget on May's agenda? Why was the vote of the bonds delayed until June's meeting? As far as I can tell, there was no explanation given for the delay because NO ONE asked Boughton (or President Joe Cavo) about this at the meeting.
HERE'S THE OBVIOUS ANSWER: In order for Boughton to get these bonds passed, Boughton needs a 2/3 majority vote in his favor. During the May Common Council meeting, the Republicans had two Common Council members absent therefore were two voted short of their 2/3 requirement to get the bonds passed (there are 14 Republicans and 7 Democrats on the Council). You can bet that there was NO WAY any Democrat was going to sign onto five 500,000 bonds as the way these items are being presented goes against the way every other administration has done things in the past.
2. If the charter states that the budget has to be approved by May 15, how can the section of the budget that pertains to the bonds (Capital Budget) be voted on IN JUNE. If any of the bonds pertain to items in the Capitol Budget for 08-09 (i.e., if the wording of the bonds have the words "Capital Budget 2008-2009" within in it), then shouldn't the items be voted on BEFORE May 15?
For example, from April of last year, here's the budget of 2007. Note item 21, which are the bonds for the Capital Budget (in bold).
This year, there was no iten 21 pertaining the to bonds for the Capital Budget because, according the Boughton, the item was being held till June.
NOTE: Contrary to the Corporation Council's ruling, in which they NOW state (after being questioned) that the CIP was approved in May, the mayor himself stated on several occasions that the CIP is coming up for a vote IN JUNE. This is why he ruled Lynn Taborsak and Common Councilman Warren Levy out of order when they attempted to talk about the out of control spending habits of the current administration.
Do you want further misinformation from the mayor? Here's a copy of the his own e-newsletter...note the portion in red

Again, according to his OWN CORPORATION COUNCIL, this is INCORRECT. The CIP was already voted on in May, the BONDING for the CIP is what's being voted on.
In short, this mayor is trying to have it both ways.
On one hand, Corporation Council is attempting to say that the Council voted on the CIP as part of the budget back in May BUT didn't approve the way in which the CIP would be paid (the FIVE 500,000 bonds) which were not on the agenda in May (again, this is most likely because Boughton didn't have his 2/3 rubber stamp majority). If that's the case, then Boughton is incorrect in his statements to Taborsak and Levy last month and in his e-newsletter because, again, according to his corporation council, the plan was approved in May, just not the way in which the plan would be paid.
On the other hand, Boughton is saying that the CIP is going to be voted on in June, which is why Levy and Taborsak were not allowed to speak about this item in May. This goes against the opinion of Corporation Council AND places the city into a charter violation situation...which beings me to my next point.
3. If we take Boughton at his word and the CIP plan was not voted on in May, then according to the charter, if the CIP isn't voted on by the 15th of May, the plan as presented by the mayor is automatically approved the next business day (per sec 7-4 of the charter).
Now, this could be just a misunderstanding but given the history of the present administration when it comes to adhering to the city charter, I rather bring up the questions than watch all hell break loose come May 16.
Something to think about...why were the bonds (which caused a great amount of controversy) NOT on May's agenda? Would it have to do with this statement from the former mayor?
EVERY RESIDENT OF DANBURY should be VERY CONCERNED about what's happening here. Given that the towns that connect Danbury (Bethel, Brookfield) rejected their budgets (those towns operate under a different form of government which allows the people to vote on budgets as opposed to elected officials), one should be very concerned when a city chooses to change the way they do bonds and not allow the people a change to vote on how their taxpayers money is to be spent. These bonds could have been presented in a way which would have allowed the public to have their say and seeing that we're talking about 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS not giving the people a chance to voice their opinion (while they're getting slapped with higher property taxes than what the mayor stated back in April) is troubling.
Please note today's News-Times article on this subject:
Now, note the Mayor's rationale on why the bonding items were not on May's agenda.
What the mayor said here doesn't pass the smell test simply because he's been working on doing this radical new way in bonding for months. He got his opinion from the bond council on late March, talked about the way the bonds were to be presented during his budget presentation (where he also stated that residents would only see a 0 to 6 percent increase in their property taxes in April, and already presented the wording of the FIVE 500,000 bonds within the Capital Improvement Plan of the budget package. Hell, the common council also had a PUBLIC MEETING ON THESE VERY BONDS back in April so this explanation makes NO SENSE.
What makes sense is that the mayor simply did not have in April the 2/3 Republican majority needed to pass the bonds.
I'll have more on this later...
Let me make this simple. Something has been bugging the hell out of me since May's Common Council meeting and since the period between May and June is historically the time when Boughton and the Republican majority pulls off their political shenanigans, I thought it might be useful to bring this matter to everyone's attention.
Let me take this step by step:
1. Here's page 299-300 of the city's proposed 2008-09 budget that pertains to the Capital Budget, a.k.a, the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This is part of the budget where the FIVE 500,000 dollar bonds the mayor is adding to our tax burden without our approval comes into play. Note the section highlighted in red.
2. From yesterday's Common Council meeting, listen to Lynn Taborsak as she attempts to talk about the out-of-control bonding habits of this mayor.
Why wasn't Taborsak allowed to speak about an item that's on page 305 of the very budget that's being approved? She point had nothing to do with the bonds for the proposed CIP but on the item on page 305? For the record, here's page 305 of the budget Taborsak was referring it and weep.
Now, understand what the mayor said. Boughton stated that the portion of the bond Taborsak wanted to talk about was NOT ON THE AGENDA although she is reading right from the budget. Again, she didn't talk about the bonds for the proposed CIP but the out-of-control bonding habits of this mayor when it comes to items that shouldn't fall under the category of capitol improvements.
3. So to repeat, in the video, did you catch Boughton say that the portion of the budget Taborsak was referring to (a portion of items within the Capital Budget) wasn't coming up for a vote until JUNE.
Think I'm kidding...look, here's the budget that was approved last night.
20 – ORDINANCE & RESOLUTION - An Ordinance Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009 and a Resolution Levying the Property Tax for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009A. General Government 1 Budget Report
B. General Government II Budget Report
C. Education Budget Report
D. Public Works Budget Report
E. Health & Housing, Public Safety, Welfare & Social Services Budget Report
F. Grant Agencies Budget Report
Here the reference to the bonds in the section of the Capital Budget entitled "Capital Budget Financing (page 301)"
Here are the items (bonds) from the Capital Budget in question that were not on May's agenda with the rest of the budget.
Here's the wording of the five bonds that are in question. Note the words "Capitol Budget" in the wording...
2. An Ordinance Appropriating $500,000 For Replacement Patrol Vehicles For The Police Department And For Public Safety Technology Equipment In The 2008-2009 Capital Budget And Authorizing The Issuance Of $500,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose
3. An Ordinance Appropriating $500,000 For School Technology Projects In The 2008-2009 Capital Budget And Authorizing The Issuance Of $500,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose
4. An Ordinance Appropriating $497,850 For School Improvements In The 2008-2009 Capital Budget And Authorizing The Issuance Of $497,850 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose
5. An Ordinance Appropriating $500,000 For Recreation And Field Improvement Projects In The 2008-2009 Capital Budget And Authorizing The Issuance Of $500,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose
6. An Ordinance Appropriating $500,000 For A Phosphorus Study In The 2008-2009 Capital Budget And Authorizing The Issuance Of $500,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose
NOTE: the Common Council held a PUBLIC MEETING on these very items back in April.
Now, go back to the top of this post and re-read the section in RED...notice the part that says May 15th.
Finally, take a look at section 7-4 of the city charter and take note of the section in BOLD.
The Common Council shall hold one or more public hearings not later than May 1st or the next business day thereafter if May 1st shall not be business day, at which any elector or taxpayer may have an opportunity to be hear[d] regarding appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year. Following receipt of the estimates from the Mayor, the Council shall cause sufficient copies of said estimates to be made available for general distribution in the office of the City Clerk and, at least five (5) days prior to the aforementioned public hearing, the Council shall cause to be published in a newspaper having a circulation in the City a notice of such public hearing and a summary of said proposed budget estimates showing anticipated revenues by major sources, and proposed expenditures by budgets or departments in the same columnar form as prescribed for budget estimates in Section 7-3 of this Chapter, and shall also show the amounts to be raised by taxation. Not later than May 15th[,] or the next business day thereafter if May 15th shall not be a business day, the Council shall adopt a budget and file the same with the City Clerk; provided, however, if the Council shall insert new amounts or programs, increase, decrease or strike out amounts or programs in the budget such changes shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds [( 2/3)] of all the members of the Council. The ordinance adopting the budget may provide for appropriations by department or function, and such appropriations need not be in greater detail than to indicate the total appropriation for each department or function. At the time when the Council shall adopt the budget, together with a provision for uncollectible taxes reserve, it shall also fix the tax rate in mills which shall be levied on the taxable property in the City for the ensuing fiscal year. Should the Council fail to adopt a budget within the time specified, the budget as transmitted by the Mayor, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-3 of this Chapter[,] shall be deemed to have been finally adopted by said Council. The tax rate shall forthwith be fixed by the Mayor and thereafter expenditures shall be made in accordance with the budget so adopted.
A few questions:
1. If the mayor was certain that he could bring five 500,000 bond items to the council without it going to referendum, why wasn't this portion of the budget on May's agenda? Why was the vote of the bonds delayed until June's meeting? As far as I can tell, there was no explanation given for the delay because NO ONE asked Boughton (or President Joe Cavo) about this at the meeting.
HERE'S THE OBVIOUS ANSWER: In order for Boughton to get these bonds passed, Boughton needs a 2/3 majority vote in his favor. During the May Common Council meeting, the Republicans had two Common Council members absent therefore were two voted short of their 2/3 requirement to get the bonds passed (there are 14 Republicans and 7 Democrats on the Council). You can bet that there was NO WAY any Democrat was going to sign onto five 500,000 bonds as the way these items are being presented goes against the way every other administration has done things in the past.
2. If the charter states that the budget has to be approved by May 15, how can the section of the budget that pertains to the bonds (Capital Budget) be voted on IN JUNE. If any of the bonds pertain to items in the Capitol Budget for 08-09 (i.e., if the wording of the bonds have the words "Capital Budget 2008-2009" within in it), then shouldn't the items be voted on BEFORE May 15?
For example, from April of last year, here's the budget of 2007. Note item 21, which are the bonds for the Capital Budget (in bold).
20 – ORDINANCE & RESOLUTION - An Ordinance Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year . Beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008 and a Resolution Levying the Property Tax for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008
A. General Government 1 Budget Report
B. General Government II Budget Report
C. Education Budget Report
D. Public Works Budget Report
E. Health & Housing, Public Safety, Welfare & Social Services Budget Report
F. Grant Agencies Budget Report
21 – ORDINANCE - An Ordinance Appropriating $500,000 for Public Improvements in the 2007-2008 Capital Budget and Authorizing the Issuance of $500,000 Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes of the City to Meet said Appropriations
This year, there was no iten 21 pertaining the to bonds for the Capital Budget because, according the Boughton, the item was being held till June.
NOTE: Contrary to the Corporation Council's ruling, in which they NOW state (after being questioned) that the CIP was approved in May, the mayor himself stated on several occasions that the CIP is coming up for a vote IN JUNE. This is why he ruled Lynn Taborsak and Common Councilman Warren Levy out of order when they attempted to talk about the out of control spending habits of the current administration.
Do you want further misinformation from the mayor? Here's a copy of the his own e-newsletter...note the portion in red
Again, according to his OWN CORPORATION COUNCIL, this is INCORRECT. The CIP was already voted on in May, the BONDING for the CIP is what's being voted on.
In short, this mayor is trying to have it both ways.
On one hand, Corporation Council is attempting to say that the Council voted on the CIP as part of the budget back in May BUT didn't approve the way in which the CIP would be paid (the FIVE 500,000 bonds) which were not on the agenda in May (again, this is most likely because Boughton didn't have his 2/3 rubber stamp majority). If that's the case, then Boughton is incorrect in his statements to Taborsak and Levy last month and in his e-newsletter because, again, according to his corporation council, the plan was approved in May, just not the way in which the plan would be paid.
On the other hand, Boughton is saying that the CIP is going to be voted on in June, which is why Levy and Taborsak were not allowed to speak about this item in May. This goes against the opinion of Corporation Council AND places the city into a charter violation situation...which beings me to my next point.
3. If we take Boughton at his word and the CIP plan was not voted on in May, then according to the charter, if the CIP isn't voted on by the 15th of May, the plan as presented by the mayor is automatically approved the next business day (per sec 7-4 of the charter).
Now, this could be just a misunderstanding
Something to think about...why were the bonds (which caused a great amount of controversy) NOT on May's agenda? Would it have to do with this statement from the former mayor?
EVERY RESIDENT OF DANBURY should be VERY CONCERNED about what's happening here. Given that the towns that connect Danbury (Bethel, Brookfield) rejected their budgets (those towns operate under a different form of government which allows the people to vote on budgets as opposed to elected officials), one should be very concerned when a city chooses to change the way they do bonds and not allow the people a change to vote on how their taxpayers money is to be spent. These bonds could have been presented in a way which would have allowed the public to have their say and seeing that we're talking about 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS not giving the people a chance to voice their opinion (while they're getting slapped with higher property taxes than what the mayor stated back in April) is troubling.
Please note today's News-Times article on this subject:
Traditionally, the Common Council would authorize borrowing $500,000 each year by May 15 -- at the same time city officials adopted a new budget.
That was the practice for at least the past nine years.
However, this year, the borrowing resolutions were not included on the May Common Council agenda -- and Democrats such as Warren Levy, often critical of the city's spending practices, were limited on what they could say about the borrowing because it was not on the Council's agenda.
Now, note the Mayor's rationale on why the bonding items were not on May's agenda.
Boughton said the lawyers did not have the borrowing resolutions ready in time for the May meeting.
What the mayor said here doesn't pass the smell test simply because he's been working on doing this radical new way in bonding for months. He got his opinion from the bond council on late March, talked about the way the bonds were to be presented during his budget presentation (where he also stated that residents would only see a 0 to 6 percent increase in their property taxes in April, and already presented the wording of the FIVE 500,000 bonds within the Capital Improvement Plan of the budget package. Hell, the common council also had a PUBLIC MEETING ON THESE VERY BONDS back in April so this explanation makes NO SENSE.
What makes sense is that the mayor simply did not have in April the 2/3 Republican majority needed to pass the bonds.
I'll have more on this later...
Its been a while since my last post, with good reason. Let me introduce you to the little lady that has had HandyMan and I preoccupied the past week...

Chloe Arlyn
Born April 14th
6 lbs 7oz
19.25 inches
It wasn't exactly the birth experience I envisioned, but one I wouldn't trade for the world. Chloe decided to do things her way and arrived in the world face up :) She's a content little baby, crying rarely, and easily soothed. HandyMan and I are amazed at how quickly our lives have changed and how deeply, madly, overwhelmingly in love we are with this child. I now know what that feeling is, that feeling that your life is changed forever - for the better - that other parents talk about.
My home feels fuller now, even more like a home. Not only because Chloe's room is done, another piece of the home reno puzzle completed. But because there was a gap I didn't even know existed - and Chloe has filled it up. You dear readers have filled in some of the cracks and crevices too. Do you know how sweet it is to read all the kind and thoughtful messages you've left on my blog? I'm in awe that strangers would take the time to wish us well on our journey to becoming a family. I'll cherish those thoughts, and this moment in time forever.
We've quickly settled back into our routine. Friends and family were over for a homecoming barbeque yesterday. My life is full :) And when the visitors have left, and the house is quiet and still, this is what my world revolves around... the two loves of my life, filling me with joy and peace.

Chloe Arlyn
Born April 14th
6 lbs 7oz
19.25 inches
It wasn't exactly the birth experience I envisioned, but one I wouldn't trade for the world. Chloe decided to do things her way and arrived in the world face up :) She's a content little baby, crying rarely, and easily soothed. HandyMan and I are amazed at how quickly our lives have changed and how deeply, madly, overwhelmingly in love we are with this child. I now know what that feeling is, that feeling that your life is changed forever - for the better - that other parents talk about.
My home feels fuller now, even more like a home. Not only because Chloe's room is done, another piece of the home reno puzzle completed. But because there was a gap I didn't even know existed - and Chloe has filled it up. You dear readers have filled in some of the cracks and crevices too. Do you know how sweet it is to read all the kind and thoughtful messages you've left on my blog? I'm in awe that strangers would take the time to wish us well on our journey to becoming a family. I'll cherish those thoughts, and this moment in time forever.
We've quickly settled back into our routine. Friends and family were over for a homecoming barbeque yesterday. My life is full :) And when the visitors have left, and the house is quiet and still, this is what my world revolves around... the two loves of my life, filling me with joy and peace.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Community Forum 04.15.09 broadcast
Host: John Gogliettino
Guests: Barry Miller: Kitchen and Bathroom Design / Lynne Persan, Building Designs LLC
Guests: Barry Miller: Kitchen and Bathroom Design / Lynne Persan, Building Designs LLC
Monday, April 13, 2009
Baby Is On The Way!
24 hours...that's how long my doctor told me I likely have before I'm in the throes of labour. And that was at my appointment 10:00am this morning so if we do the math people...yes, Baby HandyLuster is likely on his or her way :) All signs point to Go. I've had some symptoms of impending labour - things have dropped, things have loosened, and things are starting to feel really really really uncomfortable :o\ And if the experience of my mom and sister with childbirth are any indication - things are gonna happen really really really fast!!
So, this is probably my last post before we (cross my fingers) become a family of three. What a strange, surreal thought. Time to show you all the room Baby will be coming home to. Its not quite done... the banquette cushion, curtains, and glider fabric won't be done until Wednesday. And we haven't figured out the radiator mesh or the shelf above the window yet. But its good for now. We'll be co-sleeping in the beginning, with baby's crib in our room. That explains why this doesn't look like your typical nursery. Instead, it'll be our calming escape room. A room for Grandma Wanderluster to stay the next few weeks as she helps me learn the ropes as a new mom. A room for HandyMan for when he just needs a full night's sleep and mommy and baby aren't letting him have one ;) A room for me and baby where we can lie on the bed, window open, breeze blowing, birds chirping outside... and I can just sit there and look in amazement at this tiny little thing that came out of me. How wonderful is that :)
The room before...

And the room after...

You can see the Ikea Pax wardrobes we made to look like built-ins. The baskets will eventually sit on a shelf above the window and the banquette will be a comfy spot with curtains, pillows, and cushion. The wardrobe on the left houses linens and the one on the right has baby's clothes. I've put some stickers on the drawers to help keep things organized.

A few of my favourite details around the room...

I especially love the picture ledges and the art wall. On the ledges, we have some of HandyMan's childhood books, a painting I did, a photo of the Eiffel tower taken on our honeymoon, and a moon and star handmade by baby's Aunt Kim and Uncle Kevin. I love personal touches in a room. And if you look closely, you can see some of the potential names we've picked out for baby ;)

On the art wall, you can see the Catherine Ledner armadillo print, my favourite little painting of a nightie and stockings on a clothesline by Alison MacKenna, and some etsy prints by munieca and mariajanosko.

And that's the baby's room. All we need now is baby :)
So, this is probably my last post before we (cross my fingers) become a family of three. What a strange, surreal thought. Time to show you all the room Baby will be coming home to. Its not quite done... the banquette cushion, curtains, and glider fabric won't be done until Wednesday. And we haven't figured out the radiator mesh or the shelf above the window yet. But its good for now. We'll be co-sleeping in the beginning, with baby's crib in our room. That explains why this doesn't look like your typical nursery. Instead, it'll be our calming escape room. A room for Grandma Wanderluster to stay the next few weeks as she helps me learn the ropes as a new mom. A room for HandyMan for when he just needs a full night's sleep and mommy and baby aren't letting him have one ;) A room for me and baby where we can lie on the bed, window open, breeze blowing, birds chirping outside... and I can just sit there and look in amazement at this tiny little thing that came out of me. How wonderful is that :)
The room before...
And the room after...
You can see the Ikea Pax wardrobes we made to look like built-ins. The baskets will eventually sit on a shelf above the window and the banquette will be a comfy spot with curtains, pillows, and cushion. The wardrobe on the left houses linens and the one on the right has baby's clothes. I've put some stickers on the drawers to help keep things organized.
A few of my favourite details around the room...
I especially love the picture ledges and the art wall. On the ledges, we have some of HandyMan's childhood books, a painting I did, a photo of the Eiffel tower taken on our honeymoon, and a moon and star handmade by baby's Aunt Kim and Uncle Kevin. I love personal touches in a room. And if you look closely, you can see some of the potential names we've picked out for baby ;)
On the art wall, you can see the Catherine Ledner armadillo print, my favourite little painting of a nightie and stockings on a clothesline by Alison MacKenna, and some etsy prints by munieca and mariajanosko.
And that's the baby's room. All we need now is baby :)
before and after,
guest bedroom,
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