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Sunday, January 31, 2010

FLASHBACK: News-Times reports on the death of Luis Encalada Bueno

As news of the arrest of Joe DaSilva Jr starts to spread across the AP wire, I thought it would be good to be back through the News-Times archives and take a look at what's been reported thus far in the death of Luis Encalada Bueno.

November 9 2009:
Police on Monday were still trying to determine who or what killed a man who died at Danbury Hospital after he was found in a Town Hill Avenue driveway Friday afternoon.

Investigators on Monday hadn't released the name or the age of the dead man.

"The detective bureau is actively investigating the circumstances of this death," Detective Sgt. Randy Salazar said Monday.

Police and EMS personnel were summoned just before 1 p.m. Friday to an apartment building at 66 Town Hill Ave., where an injured man was lying in the driveway.

The man, described only as a Hispanic male, died at the hospital about 6 p.m.

Police then returned to the scene and cordoned off the area with crime scene tape, said Elias Illesca, who owns the apartment house.

"One of my tenants called and said the police were here, so I came right over," he said.

The man had been lying in a corner of the parking area on the south side of the building, between a chain link fence and a dumpster, Illesca said.

"I'm asking everybody, but nobody knows who he was," he said.

November 13 2009:
Police have identified a man who died last week after being found injured in front of a Town Hill Avenue apartment building. But they say little is known about the man or exactly how he died.

Capt. Thomas Wendel said a thumbprint was used to identify 42-year-old Luis Gerardo Encalada Bueno.

Police do not know where Bueno lived at the time of his death. He was found injured Nov. 6 in the apartment-building driveway and died later that day at Danbury Hospital.

Wendel said an autopsy determined what injuries killed Bueno, and an investigation is ongoing.

"He died of some sort of internal injuries," Wendel said. "They could have been caused by a natural event, such as a fall ... or by an act of violence."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reports of Ecuadorian man death stretch to his homeland

ETV Telerama
ETV Telerama

Video courtesy of TV Telerama Online/Cuenca Al Dia : Nov 27 2009

The media reports of the victim in connection with the arrest of property owner Joe DaSilva Jr. stretch beyond the borders of this country.

The tragic death of Ecuadorean Luis Encalada Bueno received a deal of media attention in his homeland back in November of last year. The video on top of this post is from a report by TV Telerama Online/Cuenca Al Dia which was published on Nov 2009 (non-translated). For those who only speak English, the images alone tell the story.

Also, with the assistance of the Tribuna, the News-Times did a write-up which includes a translated article from El Tiempo, a newspaper in Ecuador.
The Ecuadorean man who died in November after an apparent beating on Town Hill Avenue in Danbury left behind a wife and nine children in his home country.

Luis Encalada Bueno, 42, was buried by his family Nov. 29 in his native town of Zhidmad, Ecuador, 23 days after his death in Danbury.


Encalada's family said he immigrated to the United States seven years ago, seeking to earn an income that would help improve living conditions for his family, which includes eight children 18 or younger, two of them special needs youths.

Encalada lived in Connecticut for the full seven years and worked in construction. In the last few weeks of his life, he reportedly found himself unemployed and without money.

"He told us he was looking for work, that the things were not good over there, and that his intention was to stay for another three years and to return home," explained his wife, Hortensia.

"He came home dead," she said.

I encourage you to read the entire piece over at the News-Times website.

This is a developing story...


El TIEMPO (original Ecuadorian article which was later translated by the Tribuna for the News-Times): Migrante muerto a golpes será enterrado en Zhidmad

Friday, January 29, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Palace Theater owner arrested on homicide charges

Joseph DaSilva Jr., the owner of the Palace Theater on Main Street, turned himself in on homicide charges Friday.

DaSilva, 50, who owns a real estate business at 288 Main St., is facing charges in connection with the death of an Ecuadorian man who died from internal injuries on Nov. 6 after being found in a driveway at Town Hill Avenue.

DaSilva is charged with first-degree manslaughter, first-degree assault and two counts of third-degree assault.


UPDATE: The News-Times has an update on DaSilva's arrest:
Luis Gerardo Encalada Bueno, 42, was found injured Nov. 6 in the driveway of an apartment building on Town Hill Avenue and died later that day at Danbury Hospital, according to police, who said they did not know where he lived.

"He died of some sort of internal injuries," police spokesman Capt. Thomas Wendel said in November. "They could have been caused by a natural event, such as a fall ... or by an act of violence."

Police said Friday that DaSilva turned himself in at police headquarters after being notified that the department had a warrant for his arrest.

The arrest warrant was issued Friday by a state Superior Court judge in Danbury.

Mayor Mark Boughton said he learned of DaSilva's arrest from Police Chief Al Baker, who called him at about 6:30 p.m. Friday.

"From my understanding it's DaSilva the Palace owner," Boughton said. "I don't know any of the details. I'm surprised, and I just can't comment any further.

"It's a police investigation, a police matter, and we got to let them do their jobs," the mayor added.

This is a developing story...

He can't be serious?

Come on now...does he think anyone in the state is buying this line?
He [Boughton] added that the Web site, pages of which were removed Friday morning shortly after they were discovered by the media, were "simply drafts that are part of the exploring process you do to see what a site would look like."

He added that the pages weren't intended to be made public and that "someone spent a lot of time and energy trying to find the right URL, but it's simply some draft pages."

While I appreciate the mayor's acknowledgment of my efforts to debunk his nonsense regarding whether or not he's running for governor, this latest denial is simply laughable.

Lets recap:

1. On January 4th, the mayor is quoted in the media stating that he's ALREADY MADE UP HIS MIND regarding whether or not he's running for governor.
Mayor Mark Boughton said Monday he's made his decision about running for governor, but he won't announce his intentions until February.

"A decision has been made, and you will be hearing about it shortly, one way or the other," he said.

2. Back on January 20th, the mayor purchased the website domain "boughtonforct.com" and the site pointed to nothing.

3. After reporting on his purchase, the mayor re-directs the domain to his mayoral website.

4. This week, the domain was re-directed from the mayor's campaign page, to a blank page and a fully developed gubernatorial campaign files were placed in a folder on the server for testing purposes (which is quite common when it comes to testing a site on different platforms).


5. The creation of this site (which is complete with a fully functional online donation page), appeared to be about 95 percent complete and, as a fellow web designer, probably cost Boughton quite a bit of money.

6. Also on the website is a News Section that includes the mayor's biography.

7. ...and I'm not even going to comment on why the mayor's chief of staff is the contact person on his gubernatorial announcement release (thanks a lot Dirk for outing that tidbit of controversy).

YET, the mayor's continues to deny the obvious and claim that the site (and all it's contents) is just a "draft" and doesn't mean anything.

If anyone wonders why I call Boughton the last honest man in Danbury, his laughable denials should give you a clue.

Lucky Girl!

I'm not the lucky girl in question, though I wish I was! Do you remember where I posted about this casting call for Sarah Richardson's new show, Sarah 101? Well, one of my dear readers read the post and applied for the show - and lo and behold she was selected!! So not only will this reader and her hubby have their dining room made over and get $10,000 worth of labour, fixtures, and furnishings, but she will get to hobnob with my absolute favourite designer & her sidekick Tommy.

Seriously, I'm so happy (and a tiny bit envious) of your good fortune. Maybe if I'm nice, dear reader will let me stand in the bushes outside and stalk the TV shoot ;)

Danbury 2.0 city website to launch soon

According to sources, city hall is placing the finishing touches on the revamped city website.

The new website is an improvement with an easier interface, and interactivity with social networks.


Danbury 2.0 is still in the beta stage and there is still room for improvement. Hopefully, the site will be tweaked out and officially go online soon.

You can get a sneak peak of what's to come by clicking here.

Giving credit where credit is due

A word on my post from this morning.

Seeing that typing www.boughtonforct.com takes you to a blank page, finding the backdoor to Boughton's gubernatorial website wasn't an easy task. The home page of websites end with the index.html. In order to get to Boughton's site, you needed to know the particular folder where the site is temporarily stored...and in this case, the site was placed in a temp folder named "home." Finding a backdoor to a site is kind of like picking a lock and it took me about 30 minutes of brainstorming before stumbling upon the site.

Basically, finding the mayor's site takes a bit of knowledge of HTML web design and is something that a reporter wouldn't just stumble over (for credit, a commenter on the News-Times website leaked the admin page to Boughton's site last night (which was also posted on Facebook), but I found the site before the message was posted).

Although, I posted my write-up a little after midnight today (and around 3:30 AM on the my blog at the News-Times, lets take a look at News-Times reporter Dirk Perrefort's write-up from this morning (which was filed at 9:16 AM).
The development of a Web site under a domain registered last week by Mayor Mark Boughton declares that he will indeed enter the governor's race.

The site, www.boughtonforct.com, includes a welcome page that states "Mark Boughton for Governor, People over Politics." The Web site also has a link where people can contribute to his campaign.

On Thursday state GOP chairman Chris Healy confirmed that Boughton, a Republican who was recently elected to his fifth term as the mayor of Danbury, was seeking the state's top elected post.


Boughton continued to be evasive Thursday when asked about the latest developments, referring all questions to an announcement ceremony he has planned for Monday at the Stony Hill Inn in Bethel.

Things to consider:

1. No mention of yours truly being the individual who found Boughton's website.

2. There is no way the evasive comment from Boughton had nothing to do Perrefort questioning him about the existence of the website...because I found it first and posted my write-up online after midnight this morning (as in Friday morning).

Now, if you take a look at the upper and lower right hand corner of the screen shots of Boughton's site on Perrefort's blog posting he did AT 8:54 AM today and you'll see something very interesting.

Here, let me enlarge it for you...


1. Perrefort his the word "hatcityblog" in his search box.

2. Perrefort made this snapshot at 8:51 AM today...three minutes before he push the publish button on his post.

So lets recap:

  • Finding the backdoor to Boughton's website takes a bit of web design knowledge.

  • Dirk Perrefort is a reporter, NOT a web designer.

  • Perrefort does TWO stories on Boughton's gubernatorial website this morning (complete with screenshots fo the site).

  • A look at one of Perrefort's screen shots clearly has the words hatcityblog in the search box as well as a timestamp that indicates that he made the snapshot at 8:51 AM.

  • There is NO WAY Perrefort came across this website without learning about it by viewing my site first. Again, it wasn't like Boughton's site was out there in the open for everyone to see.

    Look, I'm not one to bash the News-Times...hell, they gave me a blog on their site so I know that read and respect my stuff. The only thing that pisses me off is when an individual doesn't give me the credit that I deserve. Lord knows I take GREAT detail in giving proper credit to any piece of work I link to this site. All I ask is the same courtesy...especially when other news organizations are quoting the News-Times as the media outlet that first reported on this story (which we all know is not true).

    -nuff said.

    (h/t to you know who for the heads-up)

    UPDATE: Thanks to WTNH's ConnPolitics for mentioning my post on Boughton's site.

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    BREAKING NEWS: Boughton gubernatorial website exposed

    Mark Boughton in denial: Jan 22
    Recently (Wednesday) I purchased the domain names “BoughtonforConnecticut” and “BoughtonforCT”- to ensure that if I chose to run for an office in  the State of Connecticut I could use the names that I wanted.

    If not, I can keep the url’s and set up another site or just keep them pointed to mayormark.com. I wanted these addresses, I did not want any other addresses, particularly one that specifies an office or a date so that it could be flexible (can’t use a 2010 date in 2011).

    The cost was thirty five dollars on my credit card.

    Not sure what all the hullabaloo is about, or the unnatural fixation by some, but there you have it.

    As someone who's knows a thing or two about the last honest man in Danbury, I laughed out loud when I read his post. No matter who the mayor is spinning to the media, Boughton bought the website "boughtonforct.com" for a simple reason…because he named his campaign"Boughton for Connecticut."

    Which brings me to the web domain Boughton bought recently. Look what happens when you type "www.boughtonforct.com/home"


    That's strange, I think this looks like a website for someone who's running for governor. And what's that I see in the lower left hand corner of the page? "Boughton for Connecticut."

    Wait, wait, there's more!

    Hmm…that's strange. Is it me or does this looks like a biography for a person who's running for governor.

    I don't know about you, but I think we can put whole matter over Boughton running for governor to rest now.

    BTW: I think this screenshot from Boughton’s News and Press section is kind of funny.



    Source close to Boughton confirms that he running for governor

    Not buying Boughton's denial

    CONFIRMED: Boughton IS running for governor

    Mark who?

    Boughton trails all Republicans in latest gubernatorial poll

    Trash king James Galante illegal bundled campaign contributions to Mark Boughton exposed

    Mayor Boughton misleads the public regarding the city's role in the Danbury 11 immigration raid case

    Fairfield Weekly questions Boughton's honesty regarding James Galante illegal campaign contributions

    The sexual assault case against John McGowan, day seven: Jury trial

    Here's the latest on the sexual assault case against the infamous anti-immigrant xenophobe John McGowan.

    The 2007 mayoral candidate, former Vice President of Elise Marciano's racist hate group, and anti-immigrant activist was arrested and charged with first degree sexual assault, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in jail.

    The police affidavit details the alleged assault that has McGowan in deep trouble.
    …he [McGowan] pushed his penis into her anus. When he did this, Victim stated that she asked "What are you doing" and "Stop." Victim states that she arched her back as she initially struggled to to get him out of her. When she did this, McGowan put his right arm around her neck and put her in a headlock.

    Day seven of the trial was brief as McGowan, who's still defending himself, was granted a trial by jury which will start on April 21st. McGowan is scheduled to appear back in court on March 23rd and will have pre-trial discussions with the state prosecutor.

    Register-Citizen reporter Ronald DeRosa was at the trial and filed this report:
    A Bethel man facing a rape charge will attempt to argue his case without an attorney before a jury of his peers at Litchfield Superior Court in April.

    John McGowan, 43, 8 Fairchild Drive, is accused of forcing a former girlfriend to have sexual relations that she did not consent to in Oct 2008. He was arrested in July 2009 by New Milford police and charged with first-degree sexual assault following an investigation.

    McGowan had his last hearing appearance before Hon. Judge James P. Ginocchio on Tuesday. The suspect requested a trial by jury, which the judge agreed to preside over beginning April 21. McGowan is expected back in court on March 23 for an appearance.

    Since McGowan began appearing in Litchfield for court appearances, Judge Ginocchio has repeatedly suggested McGowan hire an attorney to represent him. The suspect has, however, declined and preferred to represent himself. Assistant State’s Attorney Dawn Gallo said she would agree to conduct pre-trial discussions with McGowan – a process that is generally done between both the state’s attorney and the defense attorney.

    She suggested possibly reaching an agreement before going to trial, that does not end in charges being dropped or the case not being prosecuted.

    Now, where at a point in the trial where things become very serious for McGowan. The fact that the anti-immigrant extremist is still without legal counsel at this stage of the case, as pre-trial discussions are about to begin is very, very, foolish.

    Given his track record in court to this date, I'm fairly certain that the prosecutor agreeing to a settlement with McGowan is very unlikely. At this point, with the possibility of an agreement on the table, McGowan would be very wise to seek an attorney and let him or her try to work on a settlement with the prosecutor...or deal with the consequences.

    CT 05: Congressman Chris Murphy responds to President Obama SOTU address

    After watching President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, Congressman Chris Murphy issued the following statement:

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    Reader's Question: Laurie's Bathrooms

    Laurie, a reader in Ottawa, wrote to me seeking some design help. Here's her note:

    We are in the process of completely renovating the second floor of our 5-year-old home. It's nothing fancy, fairly cookie cutter, but we did do some upgrades. The area I need help with is our bathroom mirrors/lighting. Do you have any a) good lighting/mirror suggestions and b) good stores to find possible solutions.

    Bathroom A will be a kids bathroom once we start a family. It has white cabinets, white counter tops, white tub...lots of white with blue ceramic floors (almost looks like a sky) and funky blue and green accent tiles. We're painting the walls blue. We have one long vanity with double sinks so i was thinking of two white framed mirrors. Right now we have the standard HUGE builder mirror with the "hollywood lights"

    Bathroom B is the spare room ensuite. Very similar to Bathroom A, but in greens. The walls will be a light green. I was also thinking of a basic white framed mirror in here too - or possibly something in silver, but our fixtures are in brushed nickel.

    Finally, our master ensuite. This room has a bit more of an "earthy" feel and i'm going with a darker colour on the walls (SICO 6117-52 Rubens Autumn (walls) and 6117-21 Flemish Taupe (ceiling)) This is where i'm REALLY stumped. Our tiles are a light beige but i'd say more to a "peachy" tone as opposed to a "browny" tone. We were thinking of dark chocolate mirrors, but not sure this would go.

    Let's take a look first at Bathroom A, the future kids bathroom:

    To keep with the beachy look of the bathroom, white framed mirrors are definitely the way to go. But no need to get rid of the huge builder's mirror - simply frame over it! Check out how to do it on this great post over at Our Suburban Cottage. I would use the same size of 1x4 pieces of wood. This is a nice substantial width which will make your huge mirror seem less huge. Above the mirror, go for a simple contemporary light with a bit of a nautical feel like this one from Canadian Tire. The rounded shades work well with the round curves of the wall accent tiles, don't you think?

    Another option is to go with individual oval mirrors centred over each sink, like these pivoting ones from Home Depot. However, since kids love to look at themselves in the mirror, I personally would prefer the large single mirror.

    Onto the spare room ensuite:

    Now this bathroom is a bit more problematic because of what looks to be an off-center sink. Usually, you could put a mirror centred above the sink but in this case that would leave a gap over the bank of drawers. For that reason, I would stick with a single large mirror like you have now. You could do a white framed mirror or one in a brushed silver frame. It could be more decorative since this is the ensuite in your spare/guest room. A great source for decorative mirrors with interesting frames is HomeSense.

    And finally, the master ensuite:

    Since this is the master bathroom, I'd go a bit more glamourous with it. This mirror from Pier1 would look great and add a bit of sparkle. Overhead, you could go with a light in a brushed nickel finish (to match your fixtures), though you could also do something in more of a bronze finish like this light from Home Depot, which works with the earthy brown paint tones.

    You mentioned that you did like the "backlit mirror" look too though. If you're handy, here's a great DIY tutorial from Cityline on how to build your own! Hope these suggestions help, Laurie!

    Have a your own decorating question? Drop me a line at ramblingrenovators@gmail.com


    Why on Earth was Joe Cavo re-elected City Council President.

    Here's what the CITY COUNCILMAN FOR THE THIRD WARD had to say about the problems surrounding the irresponsible BRT/Hospital Ave project (hint...the property is in the THIRD WARD).
    "I'm not sure what is driving all of this," Joe Cavo, a representative from the third ward, said. "Mr. Bertram owns the property. He has gone through the process. He had gone through what I understand were his requirements. Besides that, I'm not sure what the issues are."

    This is probably the most insulting comment I've ever heard from someone who's main purpose on the City Council is to represent the interest of the constituents in his own ward.

    The complaints around the practices of BRT at this location are WELL documented as neighbors complained to City Hall, politicians, reporters, and just about anyone who would hear them.

    From ridiculous blasting at the property, water runoff problems, and children having to walk on sidewalks full of rocks and dirt to and from Broadview School, to inefficient debris control measures and outright lies questionable comments from BRT President Dan Bertram, Joe Cavo's asinine comment only reinforces the notion that the Republicans and Democrats on the Council made a mistake in re-electing Cavo as President of the council when they were ready to throw him under the bus and make Gregg Seabury the new president (Cavo's position was saved by the interference of the mayor).

    I hope Cavo has the guts to shows up and repeat this bullshit at the meeting this Saturday. I'm sure there will be PLENTY of neighbors who will more than happy to give THEIR CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE a piece of their mind.

    ...utter disgrace.


    Cavo, Caladrino approve report that gives away city owned land on Hospital Ave

    Joe Cavo silent on racist email scandal.

    Joe Cavo dismisses government local access broadcasting advocates

    Joe Cavo attempts to block discussion on school administrator salaries

    Members of the council express outrage over comments from President Joe Cavo

    BREAKING NEWS: Source close to Boughton confirms that he running for governor

    A close source to Mayor Boughton confirms the obvious...

    Former News-Times reporter Eugene Driscoll has the details (via the Valley Indi Sentinel):
    Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, a five-term Republican incumbent who made national headlines for his stance against illegal immigration, will announce he is running for governor Feb. 1, a source close to the mayor said this morning.

    Invitations to the mayor’s announcement — 6 p.m. at the Stony Hill Inn in Bethel — are being mailed today (Wednesday, Jan. 27).

    As I stated before, the whole speculation into whether or not Boughton would run for higher office made no sense in the first place seeing that he STATED ON JAN 4th that he already made a decision regarding campaigning for governor.
    Mayor Mark Boughton said Monday he's made his decision about running for governor, but he won't announce his intentions until February.

    "A decision has been made, and you will be hearing about it shortly, one way or the other," he said.

    The first question the media should ask Boughton on Feb 1st is what was the rationale behind the delay in his announcement. The whole thing makes no sense to me...but again, we're talking about the last honest man in Danbury.


    Not buying Boughton's denial

    CONFIRMED: Boughton IS running for governor

    Mark who?

    Boughton trails all Republicans in latest gubernatorial poll

    Trash king James Galante illegal bundled campaign contributions to Mark Boughton exposed

    Mayor Boughton misleads the public regarding the city's role in the Danbury 11 immigration raid case

    Fairfield Weekly questions Boughton's honesty regarding James Galante illegal campaign contributions

    CT 04: Congressman Jim Himes State of the Union statement

    In advance of President Barack Obama's State of the Union message, Congressman Jim Himes issued the following video message for his constituents.

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    The case against John McGowan: UPDATE

    UPDATE: The hearing has concluded and it seems like the prosecutor will start presenting her case against McGowan as early as April 21st.

    I'll have more on what happened today soon.

    Since the next hearing in John McGowan rape trial starts this afternoon, now is a great time to get everyone caught up in the case against one of the prominent member of the local anti-immigrant community.

    As a result of an investigation by the New Milford Police Department, on Monday August 3rd, the 2007 mayoral candidate, former treasurer of the Greater Danbury Chapter of the Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control, and former vice president / co-founder of the United States Citizens for Immigration and Law Enforcement was arrested and charged with first degree sexual assault.

    In a multi-paged police affidavit, the victim, who had a relationship with McGowan, describes the horrific alleged assault.
    …he [McGowan] pushed his penis into her anus. When he did this, Victim stated that she asked "What are you doing" and "Stop." Victim states that she arched her back as she initially struggled to to get him out of her. When she did this, McGowan put his right arm around her neck and put her in a headlock.

    According to the affidavit, after speaking with representatives at the Women's Shelter in Danbury, the victim went to New Milford Hospital and a police investigation was conducted, which resulted in McGowan's arrest.

    According to CT Defense Lawyer website, first degree sexual assault is a CLASS B felony, if found guilty, the local xenophobe could be sentenced to 1 to 20 years in prison and fined up to 15,000 dollars.

    With his long history of inflammatory remarks towards members of the immigrant community, including his call for residents to shoot day laborers on Kennedy Ave, and irrational comments he's spewed on local access television, there was no doubt that McGowan's court case would be out of the ordinary…and as expected, he didn't disappoint those who were following the trial. Here's a quick recap at what's happened in court thus far.

    DAY ONE: Strange behavior
    Here's what I wrote about day one of the trial.
    The only word I can come up with to describe John McGowan's actions in court yesterday is bizarre.

    Here's how things went at court yesterday.

    I arrived at the courthouse in Litchfield (pictured at the right) around 9:30, took a seat in the gallery, and waited for McGowan's case to be called. Among those in attendance to witness the case was McGowan's BFF (and local anti-immigrant racist/pervert/anti-Semite/male chauvinist Tom "Big(o)T" Bennett as well as several friends of McGowan. Those from the media included yours truly, News-Times reporter John Pirro, and Register-Citizens court reporter Tracy Kennedy.

    After the judge heard several cases (and took a short recess to talk to the prosecutors), McGowan's case was finally called...and the fireworks began.

    From the start, you had the feeling that McGowan, who was representing himself in court, was going to turn the court hearing into a spectacle...and he basically did just that.

    Superior Court Judge James Ginocchio called McGowan's name to come forward from the gallery area but McGowan seemed to refuse and made some statement that no one in attendance could understand (I've requested a transcript of the hearing so I can find out what the hell he was talking about). After being called upon several times, McGowan finally came forward and continued his strange and erratic behavior.

    Court reporter Tracy Kennedy for the Register-Citizen accurately recounts the silliness.
    John McGowan, 43, 8 Fairchild Drive, appeared for the first time in the Litchfield court Tuesday. After being ordered to come forward from the spectator section, McGowan approached, clutching papers and uttering nonsensical phrases.

    “I do not grant jurisdiction in this matter, knowingly or willingly,” McGowan said.

    When Ginocchio asked if McGowan had an attorney or planned to represent himself, McGowan referred to himself in the third person, telling the court, “How can a lawyer represent me in my private capacity?” and “Are these charges directed toward me as a natural man?”

    News-Times reporter Pirro echos Kennedy's account of what happened.
    The 43-year-old McGowan, who lives in Bethel, where he runs an oil business, responded instead with comments rejecting the authority of the state and federal government, and of the courts over individuals.

    "Are the charges directed against me as a natural man?" "I do not agree to grant jurisdiction?" and "How can a lawyer represent me in my private capacity?" were among the statements McGowan made during his brief court appearance Tuesday.

    After about 5 minutes of this bullshit nonsense, which included McGowan not entering a plea to his charges and one of his supporters uttering some type of remark (which resulted in a quick admonishment from the court bailiff), Judge Ginocchio stated that McGowan seemed "unable to answer the charges with any semblance of coherence" and ordered a psychiatric examination to do done in order to determine of his competency.

    McGowan tried to either read a statement to the judge, or have some papers entered into the record, at which point the judge informed him that he needed to send those files to the clerk office and said something along the lines of get "read a book on law and learn how the process works" (or something like that).

    Needless to day that driving the distance to Litchfield was worth the trip...

    DAY TWO: Excuses, excuses
    Due to traffic, I was unable to get to the courthouse in Litchfield in time but here's what happened.
    Unfortunately, this morning, I was caught in a traffic nightmare on Route 7 so I was late to the courthouse and missed all the festivities but the News-Times John Pirro filled in the blanks:
    A Superior Court judge on Tuesday gave former Danbury mayoral candidate John McGowan more time to get a psychiatric examination that will determine whether he is capable of standing trial for first-degree sexual assault.


    "If it's not done by the next court date, it's going to be a different story," Ginocchio said.

    Ginocchio ordered the exam during McGowan's first appearance in Litchfield Superior Court, on Sept. 1, when the anti-immigration activist and cable television call-in show host refused to enter a plea and made numerous statements indicating he didn't consider himself subject to the court's jurisdiction.

    Ginocchio said at the time that McGowan "appeared unable to answer the charges with any semblance of coherence" and that a psychiatric evaluation was needed to determine if McGowan could understand the charge and assist in his own defense.

    I don't' know what was more shocking, the fact that McGowan received a three week extension to get a psychiatric examination done, or McGowan's excuse in not getting the examination done when ordered by the court on Sept 1st.

    Later in my update, I explained how McGowan's excuse of lack of transportation doesn't pass the smell test but it was Elise Marciano's friend's documents that he submitted to the court that received the most attention.
    If his courtroom demeanor was low-key, that same description couldn't be applied to the sheaves of bizarre papers he has filed in connection with the case.

    The thick stack of documents claim to be "powers of attorney" and attachments on various land records, but according to a court clerk are comprised of "legal terms that are strung together but have no legal meaning."


    In some of the papers, McGowan identifies by name the woman who accused him of rape, as well as giving her address and the names of family members, Gallo said.


    Gallo asked the judge for a protective order preventing McGowan from including that information on any documents he files.

    DAY THREE (and FOUR): He's competent!
    Day three and four of the trial centered around whether or not McGowan was competent to stand trial but first, McGowan attempted to make his irrational argument that the court had no jurisdiction over the anti-immigrant activist.
    The judge started by granting McGowan an opportunity to argue why he feels that the state has no jurisdiction over him but only to the limit of the competency hearing.


    After being instructed by the judge that he's not going to get into a question and answer session with McGowan regarding "jurisdiction" and that he would only hear his argument (again to the limit of the competency hearing), McGowan continues his bizarre behavior by going on a rant about the court not having jurisdiction over him, which made absolutely no sense to anyone in the court but McGowan and his "supporters."

    From how the court had to prove jurisdiction before the case could proceed, to rambling off a series of court cases which, in his mind, back his argument that the state has no jurisdiction over him, when it comes to McGowan representing himself, lets just say that McGowan isn't helping his case.…and remember, McGowan is on trial for FIRST DEGREE SEXUAL ASSAULT which carries up to 20 year in jail YET he still has no attorney AND he's still digging a hole for himself EVER time he opens his mouth.

    While McGowan continues to make himself look like an ass, I can't help but think of the hypocrisy of this moron who has made a habit of citing the "rule of law" when it came to his twisted views of undocumented immigrants and how they should be removed because they are here "illegally." Now, here's the same guy trying to say that the same "rule of law" doesn't apply to him when he’s charged with raping someone.

    Ah, the irony!

    After his incoherent rambling came to a merciful end, Dawn Gallo pretty much sliced McGowan's rant to shreds in what seemed to be less than 60 seconds…I'll try to summarize.

    After the prosecutor correctly pointed out that the manner in which McGowan is trying to argue jurisdiction, at the sake of making him look even more foolish (in my opinion of course) prosecutor Gallo basically rips him to shreds by properly stating that McGowan is attempting to use a some federal law that applies to CIVIL cases that have absolutely ZERO meaning in terms of a CRIMINAL matter (such as being charged with raping a person anally). Since a warrant was valid and properly served, McGowan "claim" of jurisdiction doesn't hold water.

    Lather, wash, rinse, done.

    After the prosecutor made his very easy case against McGowan's jurisdiction nonsense, the judge took about a millisecond to deny McGowan's motion.

    Between McGowan's attempt to prove that the state has no jurisdiction over him, and the actual competency case, the anti-immigrant's sidekick and fellow hate-monger, Tom Big(O)T Bennett couldn't resist making an ass out of himself in court. Here's what happened when the judge attempted to recess the hearing to allow McGowan an opportunity to read the compentency report.

    As the bailiff announce the gallery to rise, here's what happened:
    BAILIFF: All rise.

    Big(O)T: refuses to rise


    Big(O)T; while rising, utters this under his breath "Yeah right."

    BAILIFF: Keep you comments to yourself!

    Big(O)T: What comment...I grunted

    BAILIFF: You said "yeah right"

    YOURS TRULY: shaking my head in disbelief

    Knowing this moron's history,, I'm not surprised with Bennett's antics…and he was just getting started.

    Remember when I talked about Big(O)T making a scene in the courtroom when he wouldn't rise as the judge exited the chamber? Well, his bullshit didn't stop there.

    As I sat down, the bailiff already walked over to Big(O)T and gave him a few words for something. It couldn't have been but a few minutes when, while the prosecution was asking questions regarding McGowan's competency exam, that the judge yelled at Big(O)T
    JUDGE: I've been patient…if I hear one more word out of you!

    Big(O)T: I apologize.

    After Bennett was admonished by the court, a brief competency hearing took place in which it was found that McGowan was fit to stand trial.

    DAY FIVE: Bizarre motions to dismiss:

    The start of the fifth day of the trial began by Judge Ginocchio asking McGowan if:
    • he would be representing himself

    • if he was aware of the charge against him,

    • if he would be representing himself, that he would have to follow the rule of law and CT general statues

    • he understood that he had the option of hiring an attorney yet it is not his intention to seek legal counsel

    • understood what the prosecution had to prove in this case

    • he’s undergoing any mental health issues or seeing a doctor for any mental health issues

    In a nutshell, the judge questioned McGowan about self-representation because, unlike the competency hearing, we’re at a stage of the trail when the prosecution is going to present evidence and basically laying out the case against him.

    After dealing with the issue of self-representation, Judge Ginocchio moved to the next issue at hand, McGowan’s subpoenas motions to dismiss the case…and lets just say, McGowan’s request are ridiculous to say the least.

    According to court records, McGowan issued a series motions to dismiss the case...get ready to shake your head:

    Motion 1:
    During the time in which Dawn Gallo walked away into the jury box, Judge James Ginocchio was acting as the prosecution.

    Motion to dismiss

    Motion 2:
    I turned myself in and was not immediately brought to a magistrate with jurisdiction, but instead was set to Bantam Court on a different day and then set to Litchfield court on a different day.

    Motion to dismiss

    Motion 3:
    Prosecutor Dawn Gallo walked away during the 1st proceeding stating, "I don't want any part of this" and proceeded to walk to the juror box.

    Then conspired with the judge to deny me my sue process by sending me to a psychiatric examination during a time I had to be in court in violation of 18 USC 241 & 242.

    Motion to dismiss

    Motion 4:
    Court clerk hasn't provided to me certified copies of case file required.

    Motion to dismiss

    Motion 5:
    Judge has asked me to set a psychiatric evaluation. I request that you provide me documented evidence that shows you have the authority to order a secured party creditor to do so.

    It is not under the jurisdiction of this court, or the jurisdiction of the United States Corporation. Documents have already been provided for you that I am not a citizen of your corporation or under your jurisdiction.

    I do not refuse this evaluation. I do require that you give me proof I request before I submit to it. I do not believe you have the authority to order this evaluation and I believe there is no evidence to the contrary.

    Any attempt to force me against my will is denial of due process, obstruction of justice, fraud, and racketeering, by the office of the court.

    McGowan also filed a series of so-called “subpoenas” against members of the police department as well as the prosecutor who’s handling the case.

    DAY SIX: Motions denied.

    In a nutshell, I was unable to attend the hearing but if the reports from the court room are any indication, we're one step closer to the prosecutor beginning to roll out the case against McGowan as EVERY SINGLE ONE OF McGOWAN'S MOTIONS TO DISMISS THE CASE PRESENTED TO THE COURT ON THAT DATE WERE DENIED.

    That beings us up to today's hearing where McGowan will probably attempt to file more motions to dismiss and hopefully, after dismissing his ridiculous requests AGAIN, the judge will give the prosecutor the green light to start rolling out the case against him.

    Related links:

    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    Good Ideas

    Sorry for the lack of posts around here. It was a busy week. HandyMan and I were preparing for our PechaKucha at the Interior Design Show. I'm happy to report it was a great success (though one presenter had a bit of a 'colourful' vocabulary so we may have to institute a 3 second time delay with next year's event!).

    The theme was "Good Ideas" and we had a fantastic and diverse group of presenters including, him, him, and her. He was our Master of Ceremonies. What they had to say was truly inspiring and I love hearing folks talk passionately about what they do! I can't wait until the next event.

    Work continues on the bedroom. Drywall is up (yay!) but nothing much else post-worthy, so I'll leave you with pics of good ideas I like. Click the text to see image source.

    Sliding barn doors

    Patterned Kitchen Floors

    Banquette seats and bistro tables

    A collection of vintage prints

    Daybeds in the living room

    Beadboard ceilings

    What are some good ideas that you love?

    Saturday, January 23, 2010

    This Post is Not an Elephant


    My wife has a Slovenian friend K who shares a flat with a man named S. S is coloured brown, and learnt his thickly accented English at St. Michael's but/and he assures all and sundry that he is British.

    Till recently, S had the habit of hosting raucous parties which would end late, with S rendered comatose amidst an inglorious mess of pasta-encrusted dishes, half-empty beer bottles and bass-blasting stereos. However, after a three day New Year's blinder, S vowed to give up drinking and clean up his ways. As K awaited with bated breath, it appeared that S had changed his life around.

    One Friday night, K arrived at home to find another party, with the alcohol replaced by a bubbling shisha. Without bothering to investigate the legality of the ingredients burning within, she went to bed. Saturday saw both flat-mates out of the house, and so came Sunday.

    K was having breakfast that morning, when she noticed a black burn mark on the expensive carpet they had paid a 200 pound deposit for. Intrigued and incensed, she investigated further. The linoleum kitchen floor had a similar black burn mark, and the bin liner in the dustbin had a perforated hole the same size as the burn marks, while one of her kitchen towelettes was burnt as well. K would later discover that the size and shape of the burn marks in question closely resembled the circular shape of the specialized coals used for shishas.

    And so she decided to confront S. When he came home, she pointed out the burnt carpet and asked him if he did it. And that was when K realised that despite all the distance S had put between himself and his past, despite all the calls with the 92 prefix he avoided, despite all his claims of being one with the west, there was a quintessentially P****tani core to him. And so to repeat, when K asked him about the burn mark, he replied with a straight face, without flinching:

    "That wasn't me, I wasn't home last night. Maybe you did it?"

    "If you think that a kiss is all in the lips

    C'mon, you got it all wrong, man

    And if you think that a dance is all in the hips

    Oh well, then do the twist

    If you think holding hands is all in the fingers

    Grab hold of the soul where the memory lingers and

    Make sure to never do it with a singer

    Cause he'll tell everyone in the world

    What he was thinking about the girl

    Yeah, what he's thinking about the girl, oh

    A lot of people get confused and they bruise

    Real easy when it comes to love

    They start putting on their shoes and walking out

    And singing "boy, I think I had enough"

    Just because she makes a big rumpus

    She don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy

    Take a tip and do yourself a little service

    Take a mountain turn it into a mole

    Just by playing a different role

    Yeah, by playing a different role, oh"


    O wondered, much like the Simpsons for episode 138 "...so, it has come to this."

    In a strange little island adrift of a continent, he sat on a perch within a rustic colosseum, wondering how exactly he had ended up with all this toxicity overcoming him.

    Hadn't he been the one constantly reminded of how lucky he was? Didn't they all rub him for not doing real work, and yet be green with envy that he was living the dream? Hadn't this been what he wanted to do, to be here, in this stadium, doing what he loved? That boy who would be out playing in the cruel relentlessness of the Jeddah afternoon would have killed to be where he stood today, so why did he feel so pissed? Precisely because he had never seen it purely as work, but as a way of keeping that boy alive.

    Well fuck that boy, because all that was left inside O at the moment was pure bile.

    Oh how he had hated the cynics! Those vultures who gobbled up the free travel, and the countless passes, and the cheap tickets to seedy venues. Those vinegary idiots who stewed all day in their vile conspiracies, unable and unwilling to experience joy for even a minute, because they were too caught up in their unending quest to spark a fuse, light a fire, twist a knife. He had vowed he would never be like them, never let his passions cloud his rationality, never become overcome with the sheer desire to be a fucking bitch like them.

    Well fuck that now.

    He couldn't take it anymore. It was one thing being infuriated, frustrated, dejected, resigned, crushed, defeated. He had blitzed through hope and trudged through hopelessness, he had been stoic and he done the 'hiding his pain behind bitter humor' thing. But this was a new low. This was...

    30 catches in six Tests.

    Fuck. That.

    His laptop stared blankly back at him so he decided to stumble for a bit. Had he bothered, he might have gone to his home page, and read the feature by the senior statesman of gung-ho Ozzie-ism, who summed it up quite nicely for him.

    Pakistan have long been the least willing of all the Test-playing nations to own up to their failings.

    But he didn't check the home page. Instead, he thought maybe he'd try Smiling Buddha one last time. He had last spoken to him a week ago, right after the end, right when his stomach had felt like ripped up ribbons of meat in rancid acid - to put it mildly.

    He hadn't the heart to rip into him then, so he had merely asked, why? Smiling Buddha had smiled sadly, and said

    "What will a specialist fielding coach do? The same thing we are doing. This is a grassroots problem."

    Smiling Buddha better have something different this time, thought O as he walked down the stairs to the field. Out by the boundary, crouched low, was the painfully slow Buddha in front of the Boy Blunder. Someone was tossing lollypops for SB to edge to BB. O stood there for 15 minutes, not saying a word.

    When he had counted 50 throws, he turned back. The Buddha had managed to edge five.

    O sat in front of his monitor, his by-line already formulated.

    There is not a cricket-playing country in the world as backward and as resistant to not just modernity but simple, natural progression as Pakistan.

    "The boat yeah you know she's rockin' it

    And the truth well you know there's no stoppin' it

    The boat yeah you know she's still rockin' it

    The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it

    So what, somebody left you in a rut

    And wants to be the one who's in control

    But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder

    How the hell she could be so cold

    So now you're left, denying the truth

    And it's hidden in the wisdom in the back of your tooth

    You need to spit it out, in a telephone booth

    While you call everyone that you know, and ask 'em

    Where do you think she goes

    Oh yeah, where d'ya suppose she goes, oh

    The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it

    And the boat well you know she's still rockin' it

    The boat well you know she's still rockin' it

    And the truth yeah you know there's no stoppin' it

    You recognize the effect and the wreck

    That it's causin' when she rocks the boat

    But it's the cause hittin on the Cardinal Laws

    'bout the proper place to hang her coat

    So to you, the truth is still hidden

    And the soul plays the role of a lost little kitten but

    You should know that the doctors weren't kidding

    She's been singing it all along

    But you were hearin' a different song"


    M stared at his tumbler. It contents were Amaretto, cream and scotch. They'd named a goddam cocktail after him.

    His tumbler caught the sun's dying rays. That fiery bastard was going down amidst the hills on an island he owned, himself. His own goddam island.

    There was a whole world out there that still, to this day, worshipped him. They swore by him in acting schools. They memorized his lines, sold his face on t-shirts, parodied and pastiched him, revered him. They goddam loved him.

    So why did he still care?

    He should do what Maria kept telling him to do - give up hope that they'll ever find her, get the scientists to make another one, another dozen ones if he goddam wanted, and live his life.

    Why should he keep moping and hoping?

    Because, M realised, there was nothing else he could do. Nothing could make him accept she was gone. Nothing left but to keep hoping.

    Maybe they thought he was a fool, but what did he care? They'd been saying that about him for over thirty years now. So what that the Americans couldn't find her, the Europeans and the Japanese and the Chinese were all clueless, that even those Afrikaans mercenaries had given up hope of finding her in the thicket of the forest? He still believed, and that was why he had paid every last contender who promised to find his liger Tarita - his half lion, half tiger beauty that was perhaps every bit as monstrous and wonderful as him.

    Maria knew that, and she looked out in to the jungle with a tear in her eye. She'd been through the good, the bad and the worse with M, and the worse was pretty hairy. But to see him, so desperate, so broken, so goddam sad - that was...

    Suddenly, there was a rustle and a bustle, a bungle in the jungle...

    M jolted up, and Maria looked with trepidation as figures began to emerge out of the bushes amidst a fearful commotion. Time froze as they waited, and watched.

    And then...

    A mighty elephant came roaring out, being beaten senseless by members of the Pakistani police, screaming "Haan main Liger hoon, main Liger hoon, Kassam Khuda ki main Liger hoon!"

    Lyrics in italics for "The Denial Twist" by the White Stripes

    LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Spotlight On 01.19.10 broadcast

    Congressman Chris Murphy thoughts on MA election, Supreme Court ruling

    Yesterday, while at an event in Danbury, a had an opportunity to chat with Congressman Chris Murphy and get his take on the election results in Massachusetts as well as his thoughts on the impact the latest ruling from Supreme Court will have on future political campaigns.

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Commuinity Forum 01.20.10 broadcast

    HOST: Susan Shaner
    TOPIC: Danbury Animal Welfare Society (DAWS)

    Not buying the denial

    As one who has been covering Danbury politics for years, I knew this comment was coming...
    Mayor Mark Boughton denied reports Friday that a Web site he registered this week is confirmation of a run for the governor's office.


    Boughton said he registered the name because of "cyber squatters" who purchase domain names and try to sell them back to candidates at exorbitant rates should they decide to run for office.

    Okay, let me debunk this latest denial from the mayor in a way that's easy to digest.

    If one takes the mayor at his word and he simply purchased the site in part because of cyber squatters why pick an obscure website such as www.boughtonforct.com as opposed to www.boughtonforgov.com? Not to get too geeky but a cyber squatter would had gobbled up every URL I listed above weeks ago as well as possible URLs for just about every other single candidate currently in the race (i.e., Dan Malloy, Ned Lamont, Rudy Marconi, Susan Bysiewicz, etc). To this date, there hasn't been a report of any other candidate having trouble purchasing a web domain.

    Better yet, why didn't the mayor simply purchase all the names I listed in item one AND/OR why did he wait till Wednesday to purchase a website when he indicated his interest in the race back in December?

    Then there's the whole thing of Bougthon traveling across the state meeting with various Republican Town Committees and taking part in a gubernatorial forum as recently as Wednesday.

    Finally, there's this comment.
    "Should I not run (for governor), the Web site can point to mayormark forever," he added.

    So if YOU SHOULD decide to run for governor, the site YOU PURCHASED ON WEDNESDAY (just days before your planned announcement) will point to your gubernatorial campaign website? And that wasn't the game plan in the first place?

    Lets recap:

    1. Although the mayor expressed interest in running for governor back in DECEMBER, he waited until this past Wednesday to purchase www.boughtonforct.com.

    2. The mayor didn't purchase a more logical gubernatorial website URL that cyber squatters would purchase such as markboughtonforgov.com, markboughtonforct.com, or boughtonforgov.com.

    3. The mayor stated weeks ago that he would make a decision on whether or not he's running for governor at the end of the month.

    4. The mayor has traveled met with a number of Republican Town Committees in the past month (a requirement in terms of grabbing delegates for the GOP state convention).

    Okay, okay silly me, who am I not to take the mayor at his word and think that this purchase had something to do with Boughton running for governor.

    How dare I not take Boughton at his word that he bought this site because of cyber squatters...I mean was completely out of line not to take him at his word that he knew nothing about those bundled campaign contributions from James Galante...and his description of the 2006 World Cup celebrations as a non-spontaneous form of free speech was dead on...and he definitely had the authority of take out five 500,000 bonds in one fiscal year (silly for me to listen to Gene), his BRT seven year multi-million dollar tax break did wonders for the downtown area, and of course he was absolutely right when he repeated for months to the media that the police force was in NO WAY involved in the Danbury 11 case.

    Dealing with denials like this is from the mayor reminds me of what Bill Murray had to deal with in the movie Groundhog Day.

    Sorry folks, I'm not buying it...see ya on Feb 1st.

    Thursday, January 21, 2010

    IT'S CONFIRMED: Boughton IS running for governor

    Well, this basically ends the so-called "speculation" regarding whether or not the last honest man in Danbury is entering the governor's race.


    Here's Mark Boughton's reserved gubernatorial website which was purchased on Wednesday.

    In case you need more evidence, here's the WHOIS info on the site.
    Please note: the registrant of the domain name is specified
    in the "registrant" field. In most cases, the Registrar
    is not the registrant of domain names listed in this database.

    Re-Elect Mayor Mark

    P.O. Box 2202
    Danbury, Connecticut 06813
    United States

    Registered through: tnickdomains.com
    Created on: 20-Jan-10
    Expires on: 20-Jan-11
    Last Updated on: 20-Jan-10

    Administrative Contact:
    Boughton, Mark mayormark@XXX.net
    Re-Elect Mayor Mark
    P.O. Box 2202
    Danbury, Connecticut 06813
    United States
    (203) XXX-XXXX

    Technical Contact:
    Boughton, Mark mayormark@XXX.net
    Re-Elect Mayor Mark
    P.O. Box 2202
    Danbury, Connecticut 06813
    United States
    (203) XXX-XXXX

    Domain servers in listed order:

    It's amazing what you can find out when a person takes the cheap road and doesn't pay the extra couple of bucks to keep their WHOIS info private...

    Case closed.


    Mark who?

    Boughton trails all Republicans in latest gubernatorial poll

    Trash king James Galante illegal bundled campaign contributions to Mark Boughton exposed

    Mayor Boughton misleads the public regarding the city's role in the Danbury 11 immigration raid case

    Fairfield Weekly questions Boughton's honesty regarding James Galante illegal campaign contributions

    Q Poll: Mark who?

    As Mark Boughton participates in a gubernatorial forum today, the just released Q Poll indicates that when it comes to name recognition, the last honest man in Danbury has a great deal of work to do.

    If you wondering to yourself "how can a five term mayor of the seventh largest city in Connecticut have virtually zero name recognition", then let me explain.

    In terms of the media market (newspaper, TV, radio), Danbury is located in the no man's corner of Connecticut.

    Outside of the News-Times, this city rarely receives any attention in the state's major newspapers (i.e., Hartford Courant). Outside of immigration (which is not a statewide issue that Boughton can campaign on in 2010), the Greater Danbury area is for the most part overlooked/ignored. That being said, it will be very hard for a candidate from this area to get the type of free media exposure necessary to make a significant impact in the gubernatorial race (the Q Poll has Ridgefield Rudy Marconi running second to last among the Democratic gubernatorial candidates).

    And of course, without name ID, it's VERY hard to raise money.

    With two millionaires willing to self-finance themselves, (Tom Foley on the Republican side, Ned Lamont on the Democratic side), unless the state's public finance system is in tact this year, the chances of Boughton raising the amount of money necessary to be taken seriously is next to impossible.

    But again, winning the nomination might not be in Boughton's playbook.

    With Boughton in the possible position to grab a large number of delegates from Northern Fairfield County where he is well known (i.e., Greater Danbury Area up to possibly Watertown), while Greenwich resident Foley grabbing delegates in lower Fairfield County, the mayor's eventual entry into the governor's race could be less about winning the nomination but rather raising his state profile for future races and/or placing himself in position to make a deal at this year's GOP convention.

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    HatCityBLOG LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Ad hoc committee: Government entities review

    Tonight at City Hall, I will be doing a live videostream of the City Council's ad=hoc committee on the government entities review.

    This will basically be a more extensive test of the new UStream broadcaster app for the iPhone. The LIVE video stream starts at 7:30 TONIGHT.

    Now remember, this is JUST A TEST to see if it works. I"m not looking to videotape the meeting with a tripod or anything as I'm more interested in testing the stream as opposed to making sure the video is stable (not shaky). I'll have my regular camcorder there to record the meeting and I'll put up that video footage later.

    UPDATE 7:50 PM The meeting will be starting shortly...

    UPDATE 2: Well, it worked! Here's the UStream re-broadcast...

    LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Danbury Live 01.16.10 broadcast

    State Rep Jason Bartlett weighs in on Harry Reid comment on President Obama

    He [Sen. Harry Reid] was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama -- a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one," as he said privately.

    Page 37 of John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's novel Game Change

    Majority Leader Harry Reid's comments regarding President Barack Obama was created a firestorm of criticism towards the senator from Nevada.

    State Rep Jason Bartlett made an appearance on the FOX61's Stan Simpson show to offer his opinion on Reid's remark.

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Master Bedroom: Let There Be Light

    Last we left the room, boxes for sconces had been put in on either side of the bed. At the same time, we had some potlights put in, one in front of the closet, another over my vanity, and two to highlight the panelled wall. A bit of lighting overkill perhaps (especially when you consider there is also a center ceiling light) but HandyMan has been hankering for potlights since the dining room reno (which I vetoed). So, I picked my battles and that's how we're left with mondo illumination decoration.

    Now to find sconces to fit those boxes! Since the room will be painted white, I knew I wanted dark toned lights to balance the dark headboard. And lately, I've been really liking the whole farmhouse / new country / cottage look so I was looking for something more casual in feel. A swing-arm would be great too, since we like to read in bed. Put all those things together and these are kind of sconces that we find appealing:

    1. Robert Abbey Ant Bee Pharmacy Head Swinger Wall Lamp
    2. Hancock Collection Dark Bronze Hardwire Swingarm Wall Light
    3. Universal Lighting Oil-Rubbed Bronze Hardwire Swing Arm Wall Lamp
    4. George Kovacs P3 Plug-In Swing Arm Wall Lamp
    5. Pottery Barn Wyatt Sconce

    Of these, we liked the Pottery Barn one best - but found out they don't sell them in the Canadian stores and PB online doesn't ship to Canada. Ugh. So now, I'll have to find a way to get them. Don't you just hate wanting something only to learn you can't actually get it?