Friday, July 31, 2009
Lazy Days of Summer

Less than half of Republicans believe Obama was born in the U.S.
The extremists portion of the GOP, which we in the area associate with hate-mongers, xenophobic politicians, racist email senders, and bigoted talk show hosts who advocate killing immigrants, have officially transformed the Republican Party into the party of hatred.
Less than half of Republicans believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America, a new public opinion poll finds.
Only 42 percent of Republican respondents in a Research 2000 survey, conducted for the liberal website Daily Kos, said they thought Obama was a natural born citizen; 28 percent said they did not believe Obama was born in the United States; 30 percent said they were not sure.
The responses, which were gathered after several prominent conservative media personalities fed suspicion that Obama was unconstitutionally holding office, show the extent to which the conspiracy has taken hold in the GOP.
One only needs to listen to the right-wing noise machine to see why the GOP transformed itself into an extremist political group.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Scoop du Jour: cobi
Cobi Ladner, former editor of my favourite design mag Canadian House & Home, is trying out a new hat. She's launched her website cobi which stands for "collection of beautiful ideas". Her philosophy is that homes should be personalized, unique spaces; a reflection of you and not your decorator or anyone else's recycled ideas.
I kind of agree with her. Show me a piece of furniture/fabric/wallpaper/lighting that you love and think is so 'you', and I'll show you 13 blogs, 2 magazine articles, and an HGTV show where that same item has appeared in other people's houses. With the speed of design today, good ideas become stale ideas when too many people jump on the bandwagon (trellis pattern, anyone?). I'm guilty of this just as anyone else (you have noticed my ubiquitous white shaker kitchen with stainless appliances, haven't you?) so I'm interested to see what cobi brings to the table. Then again, I think Domino magazine tried to promote the same idea, that different is much more appealing than sameness, and we all know how that ended.
I kind of agree with her. Show me a piece of furniture/fabric/wallpaper/lighting that you love and think is so 'you', and I'll show you 13 blogs, 2 magazine articles, and an HGTV show where that same item has appeared in other people's houses. With the speed of design today, good ideas become stale ideas when too many people jump on the bandwagon (trellis pattern, anyone?). I'm guilty of this just as anyone else (you have noticed my ubiquitous white shaker kitchen with stainless appliances, haven't you?) so I'm interested to see what cobi brings to the table. Then again, I think Domino magazine tried to promote the same idea, that different is much more appealing than sameness, and we all know how that ended.
CT Congress 04: 24 hours
As you know, in the 2010 race for the 4th district congressional race, John McKinney ended all speculation of him challenging Congressman Jim Himes.
In honor of the recent recruiting failures of the GOP, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued a release that documents the Republcian Party's last 24 hours.
Too funny...
In honor of the recent recruiting failures of the GOP, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued a release that documents the Republcian Party's last 24 hours.
"There are people proactively coming to us. We are doing far less recruiting and more catching."-- NRCC chairman Pete Sessions, talking about the strong recruiting environment for Republicans, at a pen-and-pad briefing today.” [Politico, July 29, 2009]
“Republicans' hopes of ousting freshman Democrat Jim Himes in Connecticut 's 4th District suffered a serious blow, as heavily recruited GOP state legislator John McKinney has taken himself out of the running.”
[CQ Politics, 7/30/09]
Too funny...
Reason #1234232 why Jean Natale is the WORSE City Clerk EVER
While I'll file my report on the "interesting" Republican Town Committee caucus at a later time, this latest example of stupidity from our lovely City Clerk Jean Natale had to be told.
After the caucus was over, seeing that I brought a remote lighting equipment which required a half an hour to cool down, a gleefully walked around the gallery area of the Palace Theater (to the discomfort of just about everyone in the place) when I noticed that the candidates were organizing for a group photograph. Since I was planning on doing a write-up on the event for the News-Times, I decided to get in position to take a photograph (for purposes of explaining where the unfortunate incident between yours truly and Jean Natale took place, using a photograph I shot at the Palace earlier this year, the area in red is where everything went down).
...that's when our City Clerk showed her true self.
Seeing that I no problem exposing Natale's outrageous incompetence with the public, you would think that since the worst City Clerk in the history of Danbury would stay far away from someone like me.
...but again, as you'll see, when talking about Jean Natale, where talking about an individual who's not playing with a full deck.
While standing on the floor in position for the photograph of the candidates (who were at the time standing on the stairs, with no one to the right of left of me, I was surprised as some moron stiff armed me from behind. As the person walked by to join the other candidates on the stairs, I noticed that the moron was no other than Jean Natale.
Gleeming with pleasure with stiff arming me, I couldn't help but shake my head while Natale made an ass out of herself as she made childish gestures for her friend's camera. Looking at Natale (and wondering if she started throwing back glasses her favorite wine early), I couldn't help but wonder this idiot would go out of her way to physically hit me knowing that I'll write the incident on this blog?
Then I realized, we're talking about someone who's (for a lack of using a better word) an idiot.
From showing her solidarity with the most hostile element of the anti-immigrant community, screaming at the mayor at the top of her voice, to verbally attacking members of the public, Natale's latest example of stupidity further highlights Natale's mental instability and professional incompetence.
This November, now more than ever, think before you vote.
Hey, Don't I Know You...?
Do you bloggers out there ever wonder if anyone actually reads your blog? Now I know that its not just me and my mom (hi mom!) reading this blog, but sometimes it feels that way. It feels like I'm writing in my diary, spilling out thoughts and ideas, and tucking them under the bed where no one else can find them. So when a stranger actually recognizes you and says "Hey, I read your blog" it can really feel surreal. That's what happened to HandyMan, Chloe and I a few days ago. We were in a store checking out this lovely

(isn't it divine, with its sparkly candy apple red finish and glass bowl?) when we were recognized. I'm pretty sure I squealed a little bit from the shock then stood there dumbly with my mouth agape. We're no Brangelina so that moment of bloggy celebrity was unexpected. I was so surprised that I didn't think to ask the many questions running through my head... like how you found my blog, or which of us you recognized (must be Chloe. That kid has way too many pics on this blog if you ask me ;o) ), or WHAT YOUR NAME WAS. Ahh, bad blogger with bad manners.
It was so lovely to meet you though. Thank you for your kind words. And all you other bloggers out there take it from me, your paparazzi moment can happen when you least expect it.
And speaking of that kid who has way too many photos, she's got her own blog now too. Over on mammarazzi I'll be trying out my photoshop tricks, practising to be a better hobby photographer and taking pics of my favourite subject :)
(isn't it divine, with its sparkly candy apple red finish and glass bowl?) when we were recognized. I'm pretty sure I squealed a little bit from the shock then stood there dumbly with my mouth agape. We're no Brangelina so that moment of bloggy celebrity was unexpected. I was so surprised that I didn't think to ask the many questions running through my head... like how you found my blog, or which of us you recognized (must be Chloe. That kid has way too many pics on this blog if you ask me ;o) ), or WHAT YOUR NAME WAS. Ahh, bad blogger with bad manners.
It was so lovely to meet you though. Thank you for your kind words. And all you other bloggers out there take it from me, your paparazzi moment can happen when you least expect it.
And speaking of that kid who has way too many photos, she's got her own blog now too. Over on mammarazzi I'll be trying out my photoshop tricks, practising to be a better hobby photographer and taking pics of my favourite subject :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Lagging behind AGAIN
Yup, you guess it, I'm falling behind again.
Sorry for the delay but I've been VERY busy traveling to various political caucuses in the area. I'm in the middle of processing over 5 hours of video I shot so things are moving kind of slow but I'll get up to speed soon.
From Jean Natale's latest idiotic episode (really, really, really stupid), serious quesitons surrounding the Republcian nominee for Town Clerk, and highlights of Mayor Boughton "Politics Over People" spin, distort, and smear machine in action, to less than good news regarding the state of the city that's being placed under the carpet, details into people within Mayor Boughton's camp who are in serious trouble with the law, this site will pick up stream soon.
And there's that thing about the xenophobe who was arrested for first-degree sexual assault...but I'll dig into that later.
Sorry for the delay but I've been VERY busy traveling to various political caucuses in the area. I'm in the middle of processing over 5 hours of video I shot so things are moving kind of slow but I'll get up to speed soon.
From Jean Natale's latest idiotic episode (really, really, really stupid), serious quesitons surrounding the Republcian nominee for Town Clerk, and highlights of Mayor Boughton "Politics Over People" spin, distort, and smear machine in action, to less than good news regarding the state of the city that's being placed under the carpet, details into people within Mayor Boughton's camp who are in serious trouble with the law, this site will pick up stream soon.
And there's that thing about the xenophobe who was arrested for first-degree sexual assault...but I'll dig into that later.
Fear of a black president
For those who think President Obama is proof that racism is on the decline in America...
Seen enough? Good, now fight back.
Seen enough? Good, now fight back.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bethel Democrats rally behind board of selectmen ticket
There is a consensus among those who follow politics in the Greater Danbury that the race for selectmen in Bethel is the election to watch in the area.
With many speculating that 2009 is the year where Democrats take back control of Danbury's next door neighbor, I decided to take a trip to the annual Bethel DTC picnic to chat with First Selectman candidate Matt Kickerbocker, and find out why everyone is excited with the slate of candidates on the Democratic ticket.
For more info on the Bethel Democrats, visit their website at www.betheltoday.com
Sunday, July 26, 2009
HatCityBLOG MUSIC CLUB: New Hope Baptist Church
New Hope Baptist Church Choir. July 26 2009
What would Sunday be without a little gospel music from the best choir in Danbury...
AUDIO (Hi-Fi mp3):
Related posts:
VIDEO: Rev Al Sharpton visits New Hope Baptist Church.
LOCAL ACCESS: Rev. Ivan Pitts interview on Ideas at Work and Beyond.
Rad Rad
And the room is done :) When you're renovating, is there a phrase any more satisfying than that one? I think not.
HandyMan installed the Octoperf wood mesh on the radiator cover. The design which you guys suggested looks perfect. We did have a bit of a trouble though... because we didn't make the three squares the same size! Oops. But I assured HandyMan you couldn't tell the difference at all ;) So that's it, the last piece of the room complete. Finito. Over and out :)
If you like how Chloe's room turned out, I'd appreciate your vote in the Share Your Style contest. One winner out of the top 10 will win a boatload of Benjamin Moore paint (oh what we could do with the master bedroom and living room!) among other prizes.
It's the last week of voting and every vote helps. Click the "Vote For It!" button here. You'll need to register your email address but you are entered to win a prize just for voting too :) Thanks so much!!
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Progressive Soup July 23 2009 broadcast
Topic: Immigration and the Unitarian Univeralists Church
Guests: Lynn Taborsak and Carl Tichler, Unitarian Univeralists Church
Guests: Lynn Taborsak and Carl Tichler, Unitarian Univeralists Church
Laughable quote
I wonder how hard Dirk Perrefort traveled to get this bullshit quote regarding the BRT eyesore on Kennedy Ave.
1. When Mayor Boughton gives BRT a seven year multi-million tax deferral (the first time the city of Danbury has given a tax deferral to a RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER in the history of the city) AND BRT goes back on their word, and spit in the face of the Common Council, you better believe miracles can happen...a miracle in the form of BRT cleaning up the mess they creates in demolishing the Amphenol building!
2. If the current Danbury is the best John Ross has seen since he's moved here in 1963, then this guy drank so much of the mayor's Kool-Aid that he's overdosed. I mean really, this guy lives a stone throw away from an abandoned downtown area with streets that are overflowed with traffic, irresponsible development, increase in the nmumber of homeless and umemployed people (several of whom are veterans).
City resident John Ross, who lives uphill from the property on Elm Street, said while most neighbors are surprised something hasn't happened sooner on the property, he's willing to be patient.
"Miracles don't happen overnight," he said, adding that he moved to the city in 1963. "The city has improved 110 percent since I first moved here. It's the best I've every seen it."
1. When Mayor Boughton gives BRT a seven year multi-million tax deferral (the first time the city of Danbury has given a tax deferral to a RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER in the history of the city) AND BRT goes back on their word, and spit in the face of the Common Council, you better believe miracles can happen...a miracle in the form of BRT cleaning up the mess they creates in demolishing the Amphenol building!
2. If the current Danbury is the best John Ross has seen since he's moved here in 1963, then this guy drank so much of the mayor's Kool-Aid that he's overdosed. I mean really, this guy lives a stone throw away from an abandoned downtown area with streets that are overflowed with traffic, irresponsible development, increase in the nmumber of homeless and umemployed people (several of whom are veterans).
Saturday, July 25, 2009
R.I.P David Harple
The News-Times just lost a great, great photographer today.
From Executive producer, Hearst Connecticut Media Group Interactive Keith Whamond's blog
In an age before Photoshop, and when one needed to have a knowledge of working in a darkroom, you always knew when you saw a photo from Dave in the paper as he had a way of catching an image. I'm so sorry to hear of his loss and my thoughts and prayers go out to Dave's family and friends during this time of mourning.
According to Whamond, the Harple family have established a website (Harple family fund) that's where you can make a contribution.
From Executive producer, Hearst Connecticut Media Group Interactive Keith Whamond's blog
Just heard from a friend that David W. Harple, who has been taking pictures for The News-Times for decades, passed away today after his long battle with cancer. David served many roles for the paper over the years, but most recently he was he chief photographer and coordinated the photo staff.
I don’t know any specifics, but friends of Dave know all too well how hard he had fought his awful disease for the past several years.
Dave was one of the most personable, friendly people I’ve met. He was always looking to spark a conversation.
In an age before Photoshop, and when one needed to have a knowledge of working in a darkroom, you always knew when you saw a photo from Dave in the paper as he had a way of catching an image. I'm so sorry to hear of his loss and my thoughts and prayers go out to Dave's family and friends during this time of mourning.
According to Whamond, the Harple family have established a website (Harple family fund) that's where you can make a contribution.
Community Forum July 22 2009 broadcast
Host: John Gogliettino
Guest: Members of the Amerigo Vespucci Lodge
Guest: Members of the Amerigo Vespucci Lodge
Goncalves responds
Mayor Mark Boughton, who will be seeking his fifth term in office this fall, said Goncalves will have to do his homework "if he wants to be taken seriously."
Boughton added that many of the projects that have been paid for through bonding during his tenure, especially school projects, were reimbursed by the state at rates of between 50 percent and 70 percent.
Today, Goncalves issued the press release in response:
I have done my homework and my comments to the Newstimes were to make the point of this administration's penchant for excessive spending and "big ticket" bonding purchases and the associated costs were obtained directly from the City's Finance Director.
The public is again being intentionally misled by this administration as the taxpayers of Danbury incurred direct costs as a result of these large bonding issues, and, were reimbursed by the state for the rest, which means we're all still paying for this spending. Since the state budget looks to have a few billion dollar deficit, it seems that we'll all be paying for expenditures of this nature for quite some time.
Between Hartford and Danbury, Republican fiscal mismanagement will be taking its toll soon on Danbury and other communities around the state.
...this campaign season is going to be fun!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Danbury Democrats pick Gary Goncalves as their choice for mayor
Yesterday at City Hall, members of the Danbury Democratic Town Committee held their caucus and endorsed their pick of candidates for this November's election.
Gary Goncalves will lead the top of the ticket as candidate for mayor while Lori Kaback takes a shot at becoming Town Clerk for a third term. Rounding up the ticket is Eileen Coladarci who hopes that three time is a charm as she runs again for the position of City Clerk. The party also nominated candidates for all the common council wards seats as well as Common Council at large, Constable, Zoning Commission, and Board of Education.
After the caucus, I caught up with Democratic Town Committee Joe DaSilva Jr. to get his comments regarding the slate.
While I'll update this post with a listing of all the candidates, I wanted to share with everyone video footage from last night's caucus from City Hall.
Highlights (runtime 15 mins):
Meeting in full (runtime 37mins):
Democratic municipal election ticket:
Mayor: Gary Goncalves
City Clerk: Eileen Coladarci
Town Clerk: Lori Kaback
Common Council at large: Jose Agosto Jr., Barbara Baker, Ernest Boynton, Thomas Dyer Jr., Warren Levy, Oseas Mello and William Totten Jr.
First Ward Council: Frank Anders and Barry Rickert.
Second Ward Council: Daniel Abrantes and Paul McAllister.
Third Ward Council: Barbara Carey and William Tanner.
Fourth Ward Council: Peter Nero and Thomas Saadi.
Fifth Ward Council: Duane Perkins and Frederick Visconti Jr.
Sixth Ward Council: Benjamine Chianese and Paul Rotello.
Seven Ward Council: Philip Cervone and Joselyn Cotillo.
Constables: Francis Harris, Bruce Lees, Gene Letts
Zoning Commission Alternate: Patrick Vanudi
Zoning Commission: Anthony DiCapprio, Richard Jowdy, Thomas Haddad Jr., Jack Gillotti, Clair Motella, Al Pena
Board of Education: Joan Hodge, Robert Taborsak, Patrick McCleary, Kathleen Molinaro
The Omniblogus - Tangent 2: The Lagaan Discourse
then he decided to ditch that for DDLJ, and proceeded to become a monster-class superstar.
in essence, after DDLJ the man who gave us the stuttering stalker gave us the stuttering schoolboy, forever 21, forever Raaj, or Raj, or Raju, forever the same character for the next for 15 years.
In contrast, Aamir Khan started as the "papa-kehtain hain" good boy who loved purely and passionately...
...but ended up as the "art-cinema" hero, bringing a unique hollywood sensibility to India, by doing historical movies,
changing his physical appearance for a role and getting in "character,"
and (the number one hollywood superstar move) - making a movie with a retarded kid.
Shahrukh took the crass route, and got a wax statue in London, Aamir went classy, and went to the Oscars.
Shahrukh went meglomaniac, Aamir went anti-colonial intellectual.

despite centuries of living together, and having the same culture, memories, traditions and languages, despite all of that, pakistanis and indians are different.
and this is the reason.
and plain stupid.
inevitably, the pakistani batting fails, it goes out with a whimper, it flatters to deceive, it self destructs, it mutilates, it self-mutilates and flagellates and defecates.
he bowls like a dreamer,
he loves the audacious,
he is a born predator,
his sense of vengeance keener than that of Jack Bauer.
he is our "shock & awe,"
only he treads the "Rah-e-rast."
if there was a pakistani lagaan, it would involve us bowling last, the batsmen having been shout out for a ridiculous total, and the opposition merely waiting to celebrate their victory. for the archetypal pakistani victory involves coming back from nowhere, and it involves the bowlers being magnificent.
in 2003, when wasim and waqar retired, it appeared that shoaib and sami would fly the flag. but sami proved to be a mystery.
and as for shoaib - well, he was clearly unplayable when he chose to be, but catastrophic otherwise. just look up genital warts to know what i mean.
As for asif – he was the ultimate case of KLPD. (kharay lun pay dhoka – loosely translated as a betrayal to an erection.)
and if proof was needed that the apocalypse was nigh, india discovered ishant sharma. a genuinely quick bowler who could bowl with pace and bounce.
on the wounds caused by pakistani bowlers attacking one another with bats and pulling hamstrings on esha deol's g-string, the discovery of ishant sprinkled acid-riddled salt.
if india were to have fast bowlers and reverse swing, would pakistan have any purpose left in life? they'd taken away what made us pakistanis, so what would we be left with now? was God dead?
if india were to have fast bowlers and reverse swing, would pakistan have any purpose left in life? they'd taken away what made us pakistanis, so what would we be left with now? was God dead?
aamir khan,
fast bowlers,
Ishant Sharma,
mohammad asif,
mohammad sami,
shahrukh khan,
shoaib akhtar,
waqar younis,
wasim akram
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My thoughts exactly
As someone who attended most of the events at the CT Film festival, I think today's News-Times editorial is DEAD on.
Eventually, I'll get around to posting my remarks on the Film Festival (I'm holding back until I see the actual figures, as opposed tothe spin numbers from the mayor's office). In any event, today's editorial highlights my biggest concern regarding the festival.
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I was a member of a panel at the CT Film Festival)
That's how much the 2009 Connecticut Film Festival grew over last year's inaugural run in downtown Danbury.
But even the best numbers can be misleading.
According to figures released by Mayor Mark Boughton's office, this year's Connecticut Film Festival drew an estimated 8,256 people to downtown Danbury.
A large number of those folks, however, were associated with the film industry, not necessarily movie fans from Greater Danbury snatching up tickets and signing up for volunteer duties.
For the Connecticut Film Festival to become a blockbuster, Greater Danbury residents need to support it with their time, their wallets and their civic pride.
Tom Carruthers, the festival's executive director, has done a remarkable job nurturing this project in Greater Danbury.
But it's no longer a one-man show.
With more promotion and more community involvement, the Connecticut Film Festival could really pack them in.
Eventually, I'll get around to posting my remarks on the Film Festival (I'm holding back until I see the actual figures, as opposed to
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I was a member of a panel at the CT Film Festival)
FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL: Mark Boughton 2nd quarter campaign finance report
"We get thousands of checks from thousands of people and we just wouldn't have any way of knowing something like that is happening."Mayor Boughton's response to his acceptance of James Galante alleged bundled campaign contributions
Well, it's that time of the year again...
July 10th marks the end of the 2nd campaign finance quarter...and you know what that means.
HatCityBLOG is your one stop place when it comes to analyzing Mayor Boughton's campaign finance reports. Since 2007, more than 300 readers have analyzed the mayor's money trail and reported back some interesting tidbits. Here's some goodies that werer found in the past.
• As the Fairfield County noted, in 2007, we found some rather interesting donations from April 2003 that appears to mirror Galante's bundled donations that were given to the mayor's PAC in October 2003.
• Members of the Danbury Democratic town committee members donated to Boughton's campaign,
• A family-owned immigrant newspaper, Tribuna, failed to disclose to the public (and it's readers) that they (and immediate family members) gave multiple campaign contributions to Boughton's campaign in from 2005 to present.
Campaign contributions include a 600 dollars in in-kind advertising contributions in late 2005*, 1,400 in contributions to Boughton during the 2007 campaign cycle (including 1,100 after the ICE ACCESS program was introduced in during the October Common Council meeting),
* (NOTE: although the in-kind advertising contribution was received on 10.10.05, Boughton's campaign did not disclose the contribution until after the election against then Democratic mayoral candidate Dean Esposito on 01.10.06)
• Massive amount of contributions from developers (including the infamous Dan Bertram of BRT)
On first glance, there's a number of very interesting contributions made to the mayor's campaign which we'll explore later. For now, download the file, examine the details, and let's work together to expose the ugly truth...get to WORK!
NOTE: The latest report will take a couple of minutes to download...be patient.
NOTE 2: There seems to be several broken links to several reports. I'm working on the problem now...
LATEST REPORT: Mayor Mark 2009 July 10 2009 filing:(pdf format)
Date filed: 04.10.00, Period Covered: 01.11.09-04.10.09
Boughton's PACs (pdf format)
People over Politics PAC
YEAR 2002
YEAR 2003
YEAR 2004
YEAR 2005
2005aMayor Mark's 21 Century PAC
YEAR 2006
2006a (07.10.06)
2006b (10.10.06)
2006c (11.02.06)
YEAR 2007
2007a (01.12.07)
2007b (04.10.07)
2007c (07.10.07)
2007d (10.10.07)Boughton SEEC Form 20 Campaign Finance Statements (pdf format)
YEAR 2001
Statement: Termination Report
Date filed: 06.28.01, Period Covered: 04.23.01-06.28.01)
Statement: 2nd Thurs July 2001
Date filed: 07.12.01, Period Covered: 06.28.01-07.12.01)
Statement: 2nd Thurs Oct 2001
Date filed: 10.11.01, Period Covered: 07.13.01-10.04.01)
Statement: 7 days proceeding 2001 election
Date filed: 10.29.01, Period Covered: 10.05.01-10.23.01)
Statement: Within 45 days following election
Date filed: 12.21.01, Period Covered: 10.24.01-12.14.01)
YEAR 2002
Statement: 90 day report (Election 11.06.01)
Date filed: 02.04.02, Period Covered: 12.15.01-02.04.02)
Statement:Termination Report (2001 campaign)
Date filed: 05.07.02, Period Covered: 02.05.02-05.07.02
YEAR 2003
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month April 20th
Date filed: 04.10.03, Period Covered: 01.02.03-04.03.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th
Date filed: 07.07.03, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th (Amendment #1 to 07.07.03 report)
Date filed: 07.09.03, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Statement: 2nd Thurs. month July 20th (Amendment #2 to 07.07.03 report)
Date filed: 08.17.05, Period Covered: 04.10.03-06.30.03
Date filed: 10.07.03, Period Covered: 07.01.03-09.30.03 (aprox.)
Statement: 7 days proceeding Election: Nov 4, 2003
Date filed: 10.28.03, Period Covered: 10.01.03-10.21.03 (aprox.)
YEAR 2004
Statement: Termination Report (2003 Campaign)
Date filed: 02.09.04, Period Covered: 01.01.04-02.31.04
YEAR 2005
Statement: April 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 04.07.05, Period Covered: 01.01.05-03.31.05
Statement: July 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 07.07.05, Period Covered: 04.01.05-06.30.05
Statement: Oct 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 10.07.05, Period Covered: 07.01.05-09.30.05
Statement: Oct 7th Filing Date
Date filed: 10.07.05, Period Covered: 07.01.05-09.30.05
Statement: 7 day proceeding report
Date filed: 11.01.05, Period Covered: 10.01.05-10.26.05
YEAR 2006
Statement: Jan 10 2006 report
Date filed: 01.10.06, Period Covered: 10.27.05-12.31.05
Statement: Deficit report
Date filed: 08.07.06, Period Covered: 12.31.05-07.31.06
Statement: Termination report
Date filed: 12.07.06, Period Covered: 07.31.06-11.30.06
YEAR 2007
Statement: January 10 Filing
Date filed: 01.10.07, Period Covered: 11.27.06-12.31.06
Statement: April 10 Filing
Date filed: 04.10.07, Period Covered: 01.01.07-03.31.07
Statement: July 10 Filing
Date filed: 07.05.07, Period Covered: 04.01.07-06.30.07
Statement: October 10 Filing
Date filed: 10.10.07, Period Covered: 07.01.07-09.30.07
Statement: 7th day preceding election report
Date filed: 10.27.07, Period Covered: 10.01.07-10.23.07
YEAR 2008
Statement: January 10th 2008 Report
Date filed: 01.10.08, Period Covered: 10.24.07-12.31.07
YEAR 2009
Mayor Mark 2009 April 10 Report:
Date filed: 04.10.00, Period Covered: 01.11.09-04.10.09
The Omniblogus - Tangent 1: The Man U Fan
In 1999, something else also happened. in fact, that event went on to galvanize a certain Mr. Steve Waugh, whose team was almost down and out in the world cup of that year, until he witnessed said event and was inspired to fight back just as heroically.
and so, enraptured by the lures of big dreams and big wins, the upper class pakistani boy decided to become a man u fan.
now he could forever cower over the vanquished, he could always point to being the best, he could become part of something that awkward fans through out the world had in common - unwavering veneration of the theater of dreams, the red devils, the richest, bestest, greatest team in the world.

so what if it's soulless number crunching - you can always gloat and be a shallow bully to one and all by pointing to the number of zeroes in your account, or the number of premier league titles in your trophy chest.
the steady drum of boring seasons of predictable titles helped to deflect any criticism regarding the vacous corporate nature of a club that would prise away a cherished hero with a few shakes of their massive purse strings. say what you want about chelsea, it was manchester united where the red devil bought football's soul.

as time went by, there were other waves as well. the "immortal" season gave birth to the arsenal fan,

the abrahamovich takeover saw the rise of the chelsea fan,
the miracle against milan brought us the liverpool fan.
there were no organic connections, no intellectual reasonings, no risks.

the Big Four all had their rabid fans, all ensured of weekly successes, of midweek champion's league appearances, of fa cup wins and trouncing of minnows, and the endless, endless transfer intrigues.
it wasn't about football - it was about supporting something that you knew wouldn't break your heart, which wouldn't cause your balls to shrivel and tear your nerves, which wouldn't leave your hair tattered in clumps amidst your shaking fingers.
[End of Tangent One]
(to be continued)
Big Four,
Manchester United,
red devils,
world cup,
World Cup 1999
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